Anyone Tested Positive For MTHFR
5 Replies
Hello has anyone tested positive for MTHFR. And if so do you know much about this?? I have a feeling this and my PCOS is the reason for my m/c??
I have had 3 miscarriages and have PCOS too. I also have a bloodclotting disorder. My lipoprotein A is elevated and doesn't allow the lining of the uterus to build up suffiently for an embryo to implant. My reproductive endocrinologist said he sees a lot of his PCOS patients with elevated LPA. I have to take bloodthinners (heparin or lovenox) and baby aspirin during pregnancy.
I also have MTHFR which can be controlled by taking extra folic acid. I am on a prescription called Folgard that I take twice daily. My doctor didn't think it was threatening, however along with MTHFR, I have Factor V Leiden which is a blood clotting disorder than can also contribute to infertility or miscarriage. I am on heparin injections and baby aspirin daily to support my pregnancy. I am currently 15 1/2 weeks pregnant with twins from IVF. Congrats to your doctor for doing the tests, most don't. I took me three RE drs and three IVF's before someone found these. I even had a blood clot at 11 weeks w/my first pregnancy (also IVF) and no one caught it even after I spent time in the hospital. It probably saved my pregnancy having to be put on blood thinners. Ask your DR. and do research. In my opinon, it doesn't hurt to be cautious. Do what you have to. Good luck.
I tested positive for MTHFR and have had to take 1mg of folic acid in addition to a prenatal with 1mg for my entire pregnancy. I'm 30 weeks with twins and have had no major problems to this point.
Hi just an update on me. I did become pregnant this cycle and now i am having another miscarriage. I am on so much medication that is suppost to prevent this from happening again. Any advise??
BLF- I'm so sorry to hear you're having another miscarriage. What meds are you on? It's possible that the miscarriage was due to a chromosome issue, or that you're on the wrong meds. Have you been diagnosed with MTHFR?