Early Positive Pregnancy Test
4 Replies
This is my third pregnancy and I actually registered positive on a hpt 6 days before I was due. This would mean 8-9 days post conception. Everything that I've read says that it's not possible to get a positive urine test that soon with normal levels of hcg. Has anyone had this same experience? What does it mean?
What makes you think it is more than one baby? Maybe you are off on your conception date.
I don't necessarily think it's more than one baby, I guess that's my question- What could be the reason for it?
And no, I'm definitely not off on my conception date. Like I said I have two other small children, and s_x doesn't happen that often!
i've heard of quite a few women getting positive tests 9 dpo, it's not that unusual, so i wouldn't worry 2 much. Implantation can happen anywhere around 7 - 10 day after ovulation and then Hcg starts getting produced after implantation, but it can happen a couple days earlier or later. If implantation happened on the earlier end of the scale for you it's entirely possible that by 9dpo you had enough HCG to register on a sensitive test. All the best!
I received a pos. perg. test 5 days before my expected period and I now have a healthy 11 month old girl - its been known to happen, ErinM - congrats!