HCG Levels-pg112113293218
1 Replies
We did invitro, and we are so excited that we are pregnant. My question is about my hcg level, my first test 12 days after transfer was 216.5 and on day 14 it was 464.5 I'm wondering if it could be twins, we would be thrilled... We went through invitro before (2 years ago) and got pregnant, at the same time with that pregnancy my HCG levels were only 175. I know every pregnancy is different but does anyone have any ideas. My u/s isn't until Saturday, and it's so hard to wait.
My #'s were 1450 at 15 dpo and 2880 17 dpo. I am 28 weeks with twins. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!! I know how exciting it is after having to try so hard.