Hello, today i went for my 1st u/s. I found out im having TWINS!! I cant believe it...Both heartbeats were 170..I go back in 2weeks for another u/s. Does anyone know what the odds are that i could lose one of these babies?? if they have detected a good heartbeat already is it safe to say both babies will be OK??
I did under go infertility treatments....Inj & IUI
Congrats on your pregnancy! Probably not what you want to hear, but VTS is a risk until about 10 weeks or so (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). You might not want to tell anyone that you feel uncomfortable telling about a loss. Chances are that everything will be fine, but it's up to you. We told our immediate family, but waited to tell other people until after the first trimester was over (as many people do with single pregnancies).