ok so i was watching lifetime last night and got a little freaked out. but does anyone know anything about hidden twins? like how likely is it really? my sister in law jusy had twins girls, and i think im big for my pregnancy, twins run in my family. any informaton on hidden twins would be great. (hidden twins, is when throughout the entire pregnancy you dont know you have them til it born, or until really late)
twins are missed at 18 week mark 1% of the time...so 1% of twins are found at birth. Very low number but it can still happen.
| K - October 10 |
My SIL didnt know she was having twins until her 19 week ultrasound. She never had an ultrasound before that. She never measured really big, she stayed "tiny" until the 20 week mark when she really started to grow bigger. I can't imagine finding out you are having twins at birth...wow. Good luck!! :)
i dont know much about the hidden twin thing i just wanted to say that i knew what movie you had seen that from, kinda freaky huh LoL
I have no idea, I just found your question by searchin' cause I just saw the same movie as you on lifetime lol, hauting sarah was the name of it and it freaked me out too.
We changed Doctors this week due to personal reasons and Thank God we did!
I am 37 years old and this is my 5th pregnancy. Around 1 month ago I measured 34 weeks at 32 weeks. Thursday I measured 38 weeks at 33 weeks. Due to gestational diabetes Dr wanted ultrasound. Ultrasound tech said baby is about the size of a 31 week fetus. She should be around 5 pounds and is weighing in around 3 (which I know can go a pount either way). She is at the 7th percentile. I have a little less than the normal amount of fluid but not alarmingly under. So she has been diagnosed with IUGR.
We go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota to see an OB specialist on Tuesday and to have a better ultrasound.
I am terrified of course. My older children (read teens) are certain I am carrying twins and so are friends. My mother in law agrees with them.
I know that sometimes twins can't be spotted (or rather one is missed) until after 20 weeks. Had anyone had this happen to them? What do you make of the small baby but measuring large? Honestly at this point I would welcome the news of twins...at least there would be a good reason for her small size.