How Soon Can You Tell -pg117623985220
2 Replies
I was wondering how soon on a HPT can you find out if your pg or not? Also, if I just go get a blood test done, how many dpo do you need to be in order for it to come out positive?
You can usually tell 3 or 4 days before your missed period with the HPTs. Blood tests are usually about the same, maybe a few days earlier.. However with both of my pregnancies I didnt get a positive HPT until the day of my missed period and my second pregnancy the doctor said I wasnt preg but I had a pos HPT so i went back 3 days later and had it redone and it finally came out pos.. Try the general pregnancy questions board though.. Its more suited for this type of question.. :)
Hi Shelley!! Laura is right, The general pregnancy board is perfect for this type of question. and yes you can usually tell a few days before your missed period. On my first pregnancy it turned out that i got a positive HPT 4dpo. and my best friend got her first positive HPT four weeks ago when she was 13weeks PG. The week before that she had a blood test done at her docs and it said she wasnt PG. So it really does vary.