Hello Tenk and Bahootie, well my cyst are gone I had surgery on the 13th of Feb the bcp didn't work so surgery was the next thing my check up apt. Is Feb 27 and my next cycle should start March 2nd which I will be taking 100mg clomid and follow up with IUI So while I'm waiting to get the baby making started the day after my surgery The Dr. Phil show came to my house to flim us for a show and I was in the bed recovering but that was fine because the show was about house wives that don't cook or clean (my DH does it he's great)so I just laid in the bed while they taped what he does all day and then last night we just got in from L.A. Hollywood taping the show a 3 day all expense paid trip and it was all in fun. Had a great time and now the 27th is only 5 days away so march should be my month.
Wow, Keya, when does it air? I'm not home during Dr. Phil very often but I might be able to make an exception that day just to watch you. LOL.......so you do/don't work out of the house? I think my DH does most of the house work too but because he's home more than me. Wow, nice trip to Cali for free then too, very cool!!! I'm excited for you and the next 5 days will fly by I'm sure.....good luck mama!!! ~Teneal
They will let us know a week in advance when it airs and I'll let u know as soon as I find out. And no I don't work out of the home, I would like to but don't know which companies to trust. We also got to go to the Kodak Theater where they will be taping the Academy Awards this Sunday and take a picture with one of the Oscar Award.
Hey Keya~ OMG what fun you guys have had traveling and seeing the Oscar Award. That would be so much fun!!! I saw your post on the Ohio thread, thanks for dropping by to say hello to me. I do hope that your IUI works this cycle, and you get that cutie little babe (ies) that you want. I'm going to IUI in April if this month is not the *magic* month. I really hope it is, because I went out and bought a maternity dress to wear to a wedding we're going to at the end of June. I plan to look like a rock star at that wedding WITH a big belly!!! LOL ttfn
update okay my cycle finally started on the 15th of March and i have an appointment schedule for the 27th of March to get my shot and then on the 28th we are going in for the IUI I am so happy well let me know where you ladies are at in your journey Keya