I went for an u/s at 6w3d. It was an abdominal u/s and we saw everything very cleary- a sac, a baby, a heartbeat- we even HEARD the heartbeat. But my hCG levels are pretty high and I had an intuition that twins might be a possibility. Can you have an u/s like that and have another baby show up at a later u/s (I'm having another at 8w3d)?? Or would we have seen SOME sign of another baby by then?
I'll be more than happy with just one baby- we've tried for so long for this one! But I was just curious what the chances are!
I don't know what the chances are...probably not very high, but I've read in several twin books that it is possible. People going in at 8 weeks or so, and the other baby is hiding behind his twin. It even rarely happens that the other twin is not seen until birth. But, that is VERY rare.
I had this lady answer me on this forum that she had 3 u/s during her pregnancy and didn't find out she was having twins until she was giving birth...with babies anything is possible. I had been preg with twins and at 2wks only saw 1 sac and 1 baby, I later miscarried and thought that was it. Went for a check up 3wks later and there it was baby #2, he'll be 4 in Nov. Was I surprised?? Oh yes, I ahd cried my eyes out bc I had lost my baby, then a miracle.