Lets Break Down The Abbrev S
3 Replies
Im seeing so many abbreviations, and some of them Im completely lost on! Can someone fill me in on some commonly used ones? THANKS! :)
BFP - Big Fat Positive
BFN - Big Fat Negative
AF - Aunt flow (ur period)
CD - Cycle Day
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
HSG - hysterosalpingogram. X-ray test that looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around them,a dye (contrast material) is put through a thin tube that is put through the v____a and into the uterus
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
hCG -is a glycoprotein hormone produced in pregnancy that is made by the developing embryo soon after conception and later by the syncytiotrophoblast (part of the placenta).
CM - Cervical Muscus
you're the best! Thank you!
Thank you so much. I was wondering the same thing this has helped