Have any of you ladies ever heard of Ovulite, the microscope prediction kit that uses saliva to determin ovulation? I just saw some of these online and I was wondering if anyone has had experience using these and do they work well?
i have been looking at that too, they have it at bartells, i was thinking if its worth it or not, i asked the pharmacist and she said she hasnt really heard anything on them, she said we just got them in, i was reading it does a ferning thing when ur ovualting... i dont know how reliable it is.
soready, what opk are u using at the moment? i went and bought several different kinds, but all the sticks.... good luck :-)
I dont know much about the microscope kits I was hoping that someone here has had experience with them. I found them on ebay for about $15 and they have unlimited usage. This sounds cheaper in the long run, then using OPK strips. I would like to find out how reliable they are.
I currently am buying my OPK strips on ebay. I dont know the brand. I am getting 50 for $15 with free shipping. They are suppose to detect ovulation sooner. They can measure at 20mIU instead of the standard 25mIU.
I will using OPK's to start getting an idea of my ovulation patterns, because I have irregular cycles. I will start TTC this summer.