Ovulation Tests-pg117371128980
10 Replies
I was wondering about the testing for ovulation. Last month when I was testing I got a faint line on 2 days in a row and then nothing the rest of the month. This month (yesterday) I got a light line but not as dark as the control line twice in one day (mid morning and also late afternoon) and now today nothing. The test package says that if the test line isn't equal in darkness or more darker than the control line then the test is a negative. Does anyone else have this problem with the tests? Or should I take the light line as a positive? Yesterday I also felt a little crampy all day. thanks ahead of time for any advise!
Cramping (if mid-cycle) could indicate ovulation.
Well, I started af on the Feb 28 and also was day 1 of clomid. I'm hoping it was the Oing cause we BD early that morning and now he's out of town for a few days.
Yesterday is when I got the 2 light lines twice during the day and it would of also been cd12 for me. I took clomid days 1-5
Well, it is now cd14 for me today. I still have only gotten the light lines twice (morning and afternoon) on cd12 and I have still been testing twice a day and nothing since that day. So hopefully that was actually a positive opk for me or hopefully if it wasn't I dont get a positive until at least this weekend.
hi Shelley, I had the same thing happen to me.. I had faint lines for 2 day this cycle then nothing.. I took that as a +. Even though it wasn't what the instructions read. I'm on cd24 today.. I don't know if the clomid worked or not yet.. I will take a hpt test on Monday if AF doesn't show up.. I will let you know what happens.. Baby Dust
Thanks CatalinaD for the input. this is all new to me and sometimes feel lost with it all. I'm hoping it was my positive on the opk cause we did BD that morning and now he's out of town so hopefully it was enough. If not guess we'll try again next month. I am still doing my testing twice a day just in case. I'm cd15 today. Question for you, when is it safe to stop the testing on the opk?
Yes! Last cycle with a variety of brands I could never find a positive, but I had a couple of days of all most, and one or two before those of visible lines. This time around I bought a LOT of dollar tree opk's and tested 1st am p, lunchtime, after work, and before bed. I found my + both 1st am and 1:30 yesterday, but the tests had to sit for the FULL time.
OH, and the one I did at 5:30 was so neg it amazed me. If I'd only done the one after work I'd have never been sure... The total surge is supposed to be about 40 to 50 hours, with the peak being detectable depending on the sensitivity of the test you use....
Hi Shelley, Well this morning I got up around 4:30am feeling sick to my stomach.. Soooo I decided to take a hpt, and it was a BFP!!!! OMG I'm so excited, I can't belive the Clomid worked frist cycle.. WOW wow wow, I can't go back to sleep I'm just wide awake now.. My af isn't due until tomorrow, so just to make certain, I will test again on Monday.. Baby dust to you all.. Happy St. Patricks Day
catalinaD......I am so excited for you! That is GREAT! I will say a pray for you that everything goes great for you and baby! I am not feeling very hopeful this month cause I did get a light colored line in the am and pm on cd12 but that morning was the only time we BD cause of him going out of town. So, don't know if that would of been enough or not. I am now on cd18 and am still testing for O but haven't had anything since cd12. So, I will just stay a little positive until AF would show her face........LOL and if she does.......I will just try again next month. Best of wishes to you, I am so excited for you!