Taking A Home Test Early And Testing Positive
1 Replies
I took 2 First Response pregnancy tests and tested positive. Then I got the drop tests 3 days later and took both of them. They all said positive but I took all of them 3 weeks before my FIRST missed period. Does this mean I have been pregnant longer then I thought and could have had a period WHILE I was pregnant? OR does this mean that if I did get pregnant after my last period that I could be having twins or multiples due to a high level of hGC in my system? This is my fist child so Im not sure what this means. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
Most women ovulate two weeks or so after their period starts. So if you showed a positive that early on then you have probably been pregnant before this cycle started. I have heard that it is possiable to have a period while pregnant. When most women find out they are pregnant because of a missed period they are 4 weeks pregnant. However the actual fetus age is only 2 weeks. Doctors count the first two weeks before conception as your first two weeks of pregnancy. So when you tested you shouldn't have even ovulated yet for that cycle. I hope this makes sense and helps. I would make an appointment with your doctor to find out how far along you are. good luck!