I was told at my ultrasound at 5W6D that i was carrying twins. There were two yolk sacks and two heartbeats. Yesterday, however, they only found one baby (7W4D). The surviving baby looked good with a strong heartbeat of 171. Apparently, my placenta reabsorbed the second baby - a condition called Vanishing (or Disappearing) Twin Syndrome. I researched this online and it supposedly is very common, especially now that ultrasounds are being done earlier and earlier. I found that 71% of twins diagnosed before 10 weeks result in this condition and that 1 in 8 women actually start out w twins, but only 1 in 70 deliver twins. I wish the doctor's office had given me some more info so i would not have been so devastated yesterday or at least a litlle more emotionally prepared! I'm not writing this to scare anyone... just to relay some info that i wish i had been given. Has anyone else experienced this tragic occurance?? I would love some reassurance that my surviving baby will not be negatively effected by this! Thanks! :o(