12 Replies
I am 23 weeks preg with twins and I am at the doctors plenty to know that there are two heartbeats and I see them on frequent ultra sounds. I can only feel movement in one location, it is strong movement but why only one spot? Do most people with twins feel kicking on both sides or top and bottom of the belly?? It gets me so worried and I stress about it all of the time. Does anyone know what I am talking about? I would love to hear from someone about this. Maybe I just think about it to much and when they are bigger I will be able to feel more but right now I am very nervous all of the time!!
Thank you
| M - June 7 |
You will not neccessarily feel kicking on both sides but you shouldn't worry since both heart beats are being detected. Good luck!
I'm 31 weeks expecting twins. I too have really only felt movement on one half of my stomach. If you are only at 23 weeks, you still aren't able to fully feel all the movements. After 28 weeks you'll be feeling it more, but depending upon the way they are positioned will determine where the movement occurs.
yes, i know exactly what you are saying because i am pregnant with twins i also am 23 weeks it is very normal to feel that way
I am 22 weeks with twins and know exactly what you mean, its kinda nice to hear it from someone else! Majority of my movements was on my left side only, practically in the same spot, but in the past five days ive been feeling movements everywhere...i wish I could just go back to where they were kicking in the same spot..lol.
I am 27 weeks preg with twins. Thank you for your question because the answers helped me. I, too feel most pwerful movements only on my right side. Of course I feel all around but not as I expected.
Thanks - and Best of luck to all moms
Ladies, you have no idea how this question has helped me out as well. I am goin into my 20th week of a twin pg. And after a still born at 6 1/2 mo. and 2 miscarriages after, I never go a day w/out worring.. Kerri I think it's normal to be paranoid about this. And all these great answers are exeptionally helpful!! Thank you all.
yes kerri i am 28 weeks pregnant with twins and i feel alot of movement on 1 side too.its wierd but like you said you have heared both heartbeats and seen them on the scans.my tummy is quite big so i know all is well,dont stress tho.take care and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.good luck.
A twin pregnancy is not much different from a singleton until the last weeks, 38 weeks is term for twins. Some people don't even know they are pg with twins bc it is not much different.
Hi. I am 32.5 weeks pregnant with twin girls. Baby A is constantly moving, while Baby B moves. but not nearly as often. I would'nt worry as long as the heartbeats are strong.
Mine feels the same way and scares me too! In fact, even though I am 23 weeks with two, and most people say they can feel one baby move at 18 weeks, I rarely feel anything at all. I can't help but worry if there is something wrong with me or with them. But like you say, I see or hear them frequently at the Dr's office so I should know they are fine.
i missed my period for 2 months and now it's been 4-5 months since that pa__sed by. I constantly feel movement in my stomach. I know i'm pregnant but how can i be sure if i am? I took 4 hpt test but all came out negative? Is it possible for me to still be since i feel the movement and i do notice that i'm gettin' a bigger stomach and i have most of the symptoms of pregnancy.
| D - March 9 |
MARIE, Go to the doctor. What are you waiting for? If I read your comment correctly you could be in your 7th month with no prenatal care. You can be sure you're pregnant by getting examined and getting a blood pregnancy test. Good Luck!