Ya, that underwear thing really worked! I feel pretty good today. I feel a lot better now that i'm starting to show. They are really there! And if there was only one, I wouldn't be this big...I don't think, anyway. I am taking some vacation days this week, but I have a computer at home so I'll try to keep up with my posts. My hubby has a week and a half off, so I'm taking wed, thurs, and fir and then Monday is a holiday here in Canada. So, 6 days off. I'll probably help him with the fence, get some gardening done and then go get some paint and start my daughter's new room. I still have to paint, do floors, make curtains, and paint the closet doors. Lot's of work, but we are a pretty good team and can get that stuff done in do time. Although, if I do leave work at the end of June I'll have a lot of time to work on her room and the nursery. And if I get tired, I rest. I'm starting to get anxious now. I need to get the nursery started so I can move things in. I'm running out of room to store stuff! (That's not including all of the stuff that's in storage in the garage still....) So much stuff....but it's fun!
| jb - May 17 |
We have so many projects going on also! I don't even know where to begin. I just ordered Carson bedroom furniture that is probably going to come when we are gone and I am moving him upstairs. I don't think that he is going to like that to much. Then I have to buy another crib and get the nursery together. My husband said that he is going to be up by the international waters for fishing in June. He didn't know the exact place. I have so much to do before we leave this weekend, I don't know where to begin!!!!
Ya, we always have projects on the go. we have to do flooring in our house before these babies are born...Really bad. Well, upstairs mostly. Maybe I'll win the lottery. (Don't worry, I'll hook you up!) You daid you are buying a new crib. Are you planning to sleep the twins together for the fist little while? I'm buying a bunch of stuff off a girlfriend for really cheap, but I think I'll hold oof on setting up the crib for a bit. I'm going to put these little ones in the same crib for the first 5-6 months. They say that, after being together in the womb, they will actually lull one another back to sleep if one wakes up at night. (That's handy!!!) And, I guess they sleep better together that young, too. What about you? Are you planning to b___stfeed? I'm still up in the air. I'm going to start in the hospital for sure. And then my plan is to do whatever. I would like to bottle and b___st feed at home. That way everyone can help. And I still get the bonding time, and they still get the b___st milk. But, mu daughter wouldn't go back on the b___st after she took a bottle, so things don't always work out the way we plan!!!
| jb - May 17 |
I think that I might put them in the same crib also at first. I think I just want to be prepared. I am not sure what I am going to do right away. I would also like to b___stfeed. I tried with my son and he would not latch on and was totally against it. He just liked the bottle. I still pumped for the first 4 months. I think that it is going to be a lot of work with 2 and I am afraid the same thing is going to happen. I heard if you are going to b___stfeed twins you do it at the same time otherwise that is all that you are going to be doing. I know that my mother and MIL are already on me about b___stfeeding. Like I didn't know it was better for them. I still am going to pump no matter what so I figure that is good. Yes, I want the bonding experiance but I also liked it when my husband could share the time. He really enjoyed it also. I guess we are going to do whatever we can that makes us happy and who cares about everyone else right?
Ya! Exactly. I might try to do both. But, we're just going to take it as it comes. Did your son b___stfeed at all? (I have to admit that part of me didn't want Reegan to go back on the b___st. She was only 6 weeks old and we went out drinking, so I didn't want to b___stfeed for a couple days. So, she was on a bottle, (formula and pumped milk) And never went back. But, I was ok with that. I had too much resentment towards Adam when, night after night, I would be sitting in the livingroom feeding, while he slept soundly. But, I don't think that'll change too much when these two are born. Hence the reason I would like to do bottle and b___st. that way I can wake his a__s up and make him feed a baby.!!!
| jb - May 17 |
I am with you on that one. I think that it is both of our kids so he needs to help. Carson was on the b___st maybe for a day but that was it. I didn't really like it. Maybe it is because I only got to do it a few times. He still got the b___st milk and that was my main concern. I think that we just have to do what we feel is right for us and our babies. My milk didn't come in the best with Carson either. I think I just had to many bad experiances so I am a little hesitant about trying again.
Hear, hear! I'm a little hesitant about trying again, too. But, i can't see myself bringing bottles to the hospital. So, I'll b___stfeed there, for sure. (Well, I PLAN to)
| jb - May 17 |
Your funny! I am with you on that one! I am torn who knows. I probably am not going to know until the day before or the day of.
Ya. No doubt. So, we have a thing here called the Welcome Wagon. They are a group of people who, well, welcome you. If you're getting married, new to town, having a baby, that sort of stuff. So, I registered on their website. And every year they host a baby shower here in Edmonton. So, this lady calls me today and I have two free tickets waiting for me at the door! Every expectant mom gets a gift bag full of coupons, free stuff, and magazines. And there are a ton of door prizes to be won. It's sort of like a trade show. There are vendors and sponsors with things to look at or buy. And they have all the "new" stuff on the market. And then there is a presentation. Sounds like a good time to me! So, my hubby is going to babysit my girlfriends kids and Reegan and we are going to partake in the festivities! Free stuff, can't argue! And I can finally wear something decent for a change. I have lots of maternity clothes, but for work it's blue jeans, a shirt and runners (or steel toed shoes) So tonight I'm going to wear something maternity and pretty!!!
| jb - May 17 |
I am totally jealous. We don't have anything like that here! That is such a good idea. At our church people usually make a dinner and bring it over but I think that they may have stopped that now. To bad because I could probably really use it. Let me know how it goes. I am going to be off tomorrow but I will be back on Thursday!
OK! I'll let you know. I'm off for the rest of the week until Tuesday, but I have a computer at home so I'll be on the web.
I'm excited! Free stuff...I love free stuff!
| jb - May 17 |
Have fun! Don't forget I will not be on the internet from 5/21-5/30 I will be back on 5/31.
No, you have fun! You lucky poop. I hope you have the greatest time! And, please try to relax!!!