Hi I am 21and this is my 2nd pregnancy. I have been reading info on how to tell if you are having twins.........I am currently in my 5th week, but when I was in my 4th week I couldnt sit down with out undoing my jeans due to them cutting into me, and I have been awfully tired compaired to my last pregnancy. I weighed myself 2 nights ago expecting to have gained wait but I have lost 4 kilos in 2 weeks. My mother had one set of twins and lost one set of twins and my fiances mother had twins and this all happened unaided. I also had morning sickness very early on (2 1/2 weeks). They say that when you are having twins you have a higher hcg level....I took my pregnancy test only 10 days after I concieved and it came up positive straight away. Could all this mean I am having twins???
And also my 4 year old son when asked whether mummy was having a boy or girl?? answered one of each....
And my mum had a dream I was going to have twins???
This is all very confusing......I guess all I can do is wait till I have my first ultrasound and see....
Is there anyone whom can ease my thoughts??
And also my sister was hear on the weekend and we thought we would do some of those old wives tails just for fun and 9 out of ten of them said I was having twins, like hanging a needle over your belly, and picking a key up, and wether your pillow is facing to the north or the south, mine was facing east
Unfortunately there is NO way w/o the u/s. Tons of women have suspected for the very same reasons you have mentioned and 99% of them(at least here and another board at ivillage) were pg with one. Getting a + hpt 10 dpo is actually common....the new test tout getting a + reading 5 FULl days before af is due to arrive which is 9-10dpo. Getting big early is usually 1st tri bloating...the baby or babies are smaller than a grain of rice and will not impact your uterus size at this point.
When I was prego with my twins I didn't get a positive until I was 8 1/2 weeks along. My mom did have a dream before I knew I was prego about 2 babies. She was like it isn't about Alysah (my first)....it was weird. She thought maybe it was a sign of change in her life. well it turned out it was about the two little beans that were in my tummy. I on the other hand was completely clueless. I had taken tons of hpt all negetive, so I thought I didn't have AF cause of nursing. Anyway, good luck with your US! :)