Anyone Having Had TWINS 1st Pregnancy
70 Replies
I'm 8 wks,4ds pregnant - 1st pregnancy. I am showing (not just fat... really showing) already. I have only gained 5 lbs, but I have this big round hard belly already. I can't wear any of my regular clothes anymore. I havn't had morning sickness, but br___t tender/sore for the last 10wks. I am SOOO hungry, and SOOO tired. Can anyone share your symptoms with me if you have/are having twins for your 1st pregnancy?
I should add... I don't know if I am having twins... just feeling that it may be a possibility!!! I have my first u/s on Mon.
I feel the same exact way, although this is my 3rd pregnancy (1st was miscarriage, 2nd gave me my 4 year old son). I've actually been fluctuating with 5 lbs up and down, but my stomach is huge. I was so embara__sed at how big it was before I found out there was another sac in there, that I was ready to start lying and saying I was further along than I was! And yes SO tired and SO SO hungry. And way more morning sickness and heartburn and it all started right when I got pg. Although I just found out last week that one twin didn't make it and and I'm having another u/s on tuesday to make sure the other one is still growing. (I'm about 7 weeks). Good luck to you.
Thanks for responding to me Angelina. I am so anxious. Good luck to you as well.
i'm the same, bulging belly and only 5 weeks!! chances are high of twins as i fell with clomid waiting for a scan in a few weeks...
This is my first Pregnancy and I am 10 Weeks with Twins. I have had several ultrasounds. I am extremely tired and hungry as well. I eat about every hour it feels like. I started to show right away and my doc said that's normal for twins, since the uterus has to grow faster to accomodate two babies. My pants don not fit either. I am only 5'2" tall and I am terrified that I will be as big around as I am Tall!
I found out I was having twins at 20 weeks. I had very mild morning sickness and gained my first 15 lbs between 18 and 20 weeks. Not Fun. I was also very tired in my first trimester but gained some energy in the second. I am now experiencing dizzyness, unfocused vison and light headedness. Some cramping as well.
Thanks for all of your input! I had my 1st u/s on Monday and got to see my baby! - yes, just 1... unless the other one was hiding! Anyway, I guess I am just showing early! Congratulations to all of you twin mommies! I pray you have a blessed pregnancy. Once again, thanks for responding.
I am 6wks1d with twins...first pregnancy...will need maternity clothes in prob 2 weeks!
ANGELA!!!! I'm 6 weeks, 1 day with twins!!! When are you due - Dec. 5th?? This is my first pregnancy.. oh my gosh, I'd love to talk to you over e-mail!! Congrats!!
yes iv had the same symptoms , im 9 weeks and had no morning sickness but i have felt sick when im hungry, all i do is work,eat and sleep, my moods change all the time i could start crying for no good reason and snap at my parter just because hes 5mins late coming home when normaly i dont care about little things like that. the only thing i dont have is the sore b___sts yet!!, i was worring that i was just getting fat even tho my belly is hard and round glad to heard that u can show so early when having twins
I just found out I'm pregnant with twins. My 1st u/s was 4/25. Last week I felt woozy but it went away. My b___sts are really sore, I wear a really good support bra and that helps.When I feel woozy I know It's time to eat something. I'm also exausted most of the time but I also work full time.I'm just thrilled to be pregnant!
I in my first pregnancy and they will be twins. I also got really big really quickly and my lower abdomen is very crampy most of the time. Morning sickness was and is still horrible (just throwing up at this point) and the fatigue...oy vey! It's a blessing but scary to think about having
I am currently 9 wks, 3 days pregnant with twins and I have started to show. I have awful morning sickness and have to crawl into bed as soon as I get home from work. I sometimes find myself dozing at my desk. I am hungry a lot, but my morning sickness is just terrible. I was told by my doctor that all of this is normal so I am just trying to hold out and hope that my second trimester is better
Hello all twin mommies-to-be! I am 11 wks 5 days preg w/ twins myself (1st preg). I see that many have said that they stay hungry, but I am the total opposite, I have not wanted much to eat. So I force myself, usually to eat fruits, drink milk and other things. I have had no morning sickness at all w/a little nausa, but I have had sore b___st. Has anyone experienced a loss of appet_te or being picky, all the time, with food?
I am 7 weeks pregnant with twins, this is my second pregnancy. The first was high risk, and we only discovered that there were twins due to some spotting, but everything looks great the Dr says. I have a 3 year old daughter, and my husband has two daughters from his first marriage ages 5 and 3 so we are hoping that maybe we will get at least one boy. I have yet to gain any weight although I have gained about 4 inches in my waist. I have morning sickness almost all day long, (the same as my 1st pregnancy) the few hours that I am not feeling sick though I am eating everything in sight. LOL
well i am at 9wks today! I haven't been on the fourm for a little while, Dh and I wnet away for a week, it was nice to get off the marine base for a week!