Clomid Success Stories July 2009

262 Replies
Krissy68 - July 6

bamendjou - How are you doing? I will respond to everyone else in a few minutes I have to leave work to take my lo to preschool. I didn't take a hpt on July 3. Krissy68


Krissy68 - July 6

maya444 - Welcome to the group!!! Have you ovulated yet? Good Luck to you this cycle and keep us posted. wewant3 - Welcome to the group!!!! Good Luck to you HoPe - Them are some great numbers when do you have to do your next beta test? Are you taking prenat vit. Yes your scan is the ultra sound. Rub your belly for me. Keep us posted. Ashley2121 - Congratulation on the twin boys and I love the names. My fiance have a set of twins boys and they will be 7 on July 16 they are currently staying with us. Rub your belly for me. LindaS - I will be praying for you and I'm sure everything will be okay with the baby so try not to worry. Tryingfor#3 - Thank you for the support I am currently on cd26/13dpo and my test date is July 9. Hey girls I really don't have much to update. I did however chickened out on July 3 to take the hpt. Here is what my temps have been looking like for the last week and tell what you all think. cd19/6dpo temp 98.37; cd20/7dpo 97.97 (this had to be my implantation dip this hasn't happened before)cd21/8dpo temp 98.24; cd22/9dpo temp 98.46l cd23/10dpo temp 98.13; cd24/11dpo temp 98.70; cd25/12dpo temp 98.15 and today cd26/13dpo temp 98.46. I am a little crampy but not like AF at first my b___bs were normal but now they are starting to feel a little tender and the most that is really bothering me is my nose is so stop up I can't really breath and this has not happened to me either. I am debating if I will take a hpt in the morning if my temp is still up them I might but knowing me I might just hold out until the 9th AF should be here between the 9-13. I will keep you all posted. Talk to you all later. Krissy68


shashana - July 6

hi girls!! It has been very quiet today. Anyway hope everyone is alright. AFM, I am having slight pain in my ovaries 1 time it's on the left and the other time its on the right. I really want to take a break this month but very diffuclt when you feel your ovaries are a working. So what do you thing will I O from both ovaries ? just curious to know but no matter when I O my bf has to have at least 3 days of abstinence befor having that spermogram which will be on thursday. So no BD till that day after his sperm a___lyse ofcours. Anyway sending lost of babydust 4 us. Love you girls xoxoxoxoxo


wewant3 - July 6

Krissy and tryingfor3, I hope you both get your BFP this week! Soready, is af here yet? Glad your dh is home!


SoReady - July 7

wewant - Believe it or not AF still is NOT here. It is just driving me crazy! I typically have 3-4 days of spotting. I was hoping that with the Provera it would be different but maybe it wont be. Today is the 4th day of spotting so I am crossing my finger that it will actually start today or tomorrow!


Maya444 - July 7

Hello ladies, just checking in. Am on cd 18. Don't know if I ovulated or not but I will go in for the progestrone level check on the 13th so hopefully will find out the day after. Take care and good luck on your cycles!!!


Ashley2121 - July 7

krissy - Try not to test to early - the results will for sure be a big disappoinment if you do. I know it can be hard but try to wait :) SoReady - I am so happy for you that your DH is finally home! After all your prep and everything else you can finally get to the good part - BDing!! This may sound stupid and you know your body better than me, but are you sure its spotting and not just a very light period? Maybe the Provera made it extremely light? I have never taken Provera so I dont know anything about it - it just seems odd to spot for 4 days..... Hope - How are you feeling? When is your next appt?


SoReady - July 7

Ashley - I usually have spotting for 3-4 days before I get AF but this time it is different. Usually it steadly increases ubtil Af is here. This time it is very light and only first thing in the morning. The rest of the day I dont see anything. Sometimes I secong guess myself because I am not sure what to think. Tomorrow will either be the 5th day of spotting or AF will be here. If AF isnt here I was thinking about calling my OB and asking her what she thinks. I'm just not all that confident that she really know much about Provera. After all the instructions that she gave me about taking Provera was wrong. What do you think?


HoPe - July 7

hi everyone, i have been reading but had nothing to write so didnt write... my next apt is on the 15th for OBscan, i am 5 weeks as of today. i dont feel anything, i have no symptoms, so i am a bit worried, but my mom tells me its to early to have symptoms, so i am hoping she is right. so just hanging in there till next week, then me and dh can breath lol. takecare everyone, and remember it will happen when you least expect it, it happend to me right when i was giving up, we were talking about the next step IVF.. and one morning i tested threw it away, went to brush, ans somhow decided to take a peak at the stick, and ther it was.... so hang in there, i know it will happen, we all know it will, but when the times right. best wishes. Hope.


Tryingfor#3 - July 7

Hope~~ With my first son I never has any symptoms. I didnt even know I was pregnant until I was about 12 weeks along. (I was 19 and didnt track my peroids so didnt notice I missed one) AFM~~ I am now cd 30 besides the spotting the sunday morning I had a little spotting last night that didnt even last 1 min. This is so not normal for me. Thinking about taking a test in a few min and if its not positive going to call the doctor and see what they want me to do. I go back in a month so I so want this to work this month. To all the new people welcome and baby dust to all.


rpats - July 7

tryingfor#3- good luck! hope its a BFP. Hope- I am going to be 12w this week, and I have not had any symptoms yet. I hear you- it is very nerve-wrecking.... but hopefully everything goes smoothly and we are just a part of the lucky group that escaped the symptoms. I keep telling myself that my next pregnancy will be a nightmare if this one is really this easy! lol


Tryingfor#3 - July 7

Hey everyone I just took a test and it was a BFN so I called my doctor and now just waiting for them to call me back. Not going to let it get me down like it did last month.


HoPe - July 7

thanks everyone, thats good to know that it cud be normal... anyways i found a great OBGYN, right across the street from where i work, so i have scheduled an appt with her on august 21st at 4.15 its our 5th wedding aniversary on that day :-) and i will be 11 weeks and my RE still wants to see me next week for the 1st ultrasound which is scheduled for next week wednesday (15th)and then they will make another ultrasound appt at 8weeks. i feel like i should have more tests and ultrasounds and all. LOL, but my RE said we only do TWO BETA and TWO OBSCANS. and then if everythings ok we refer you to a OBGYN, so instead of waiting for that to happen, i went ahead and made an appointment with OBGYN. :-)


wewant3 - July 7

Soready- if this helps, my doc told me to call him on day 10 if af didnt start by then. Of course it started first thing on day 11. Tryingfor3- perhaps you have tested too early? If the spotting you are having is in fact implantation spotting, then it might be too early. Did you hear back from your doctor today? Do you know what day you ovulated? Krissy- feeling any better? How were your temps this morning?


Tryingfor#3 - July 7

Wewant3~~ I am on cd 30 so dont think I am taking the test to early but who knows. I dont even know if I ovulated this month or not. My temp went up around cd14 after a drop the day before. My temps are still pretty high so I have no clue whats going on. Nope no call back yet. Krissy~~ Keep your head up stressing out is known to drop your temp by a little. two more days girl hold on. HOPE~~ Your to funny. Trust me by the time these 9months are over with you will be so sick of all the test that goes on. Thats awsome that you found one you love. Mines a teaching one so I never know whats going on dont know if I like that right this second or not. Took my 3 year old in for his check up and he weighs 33 lbs and is 40 inches tall. Hes as big as a 4 year old. Its so funny but he has to stay in his car seat because of his weight which is fine with me.


Krissy68 - July 7

shashana - I'm here and yes you can ovulate from both of your ovaries. You were still bding? Keeping my fingers cross for you. How are you doing? wewant3 - Thank you for the support. No I am not feeling any better as a matter of fact I am feeling worse. My temp went down some from yesterday 98.46 to 98.39. How are you doing? Ashley2121 - How are you doing? Rub your belly for me. This morning my fiance asked me have I started my period and I told him I still have a few more days but I went into the bathroom and took a test anyway and it was negative. My temp did go down some from yesterday 98.46 to 98.39 so I am hoping and praying that it go up some tomorrow. HoPe - How are you doing? Try and relax and not stress out some girls don't notice until around 8 weeks listen to your mama she knows best. Have a good evening. Tryingfor#3 - Thanks for the advice I have been stressing and I will try and relax because yesterday at work I found out I have to go to court because this lady who use to work here is trying to sue her ex boss and now I am in the middle and I don't want to be her or anybody witness and then when I got home I had to take my 4 year to the ER and didn't get home until after midnight she didn't go to sleep until after 2am. I will keep you updated. Krissy68



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