Clomid Success Stories May 09
301 Replies
Trying, Krissy, Sashana, Hope and any one else I'm forgetting - I wish you guys a lot of luck and hope some more of you get BFPs!!!
Schar - a BIG congrats on becoming a graduate and getting pregnant. Hoping for a sticky bean for you!! Keep your head up high :)
Ashley, Esm, Linda - Sounds like you're all near each other in due dates! That's awesome!! I hope it's going well for all of you!! I loved the flutter feelings and later on the kicks. It was the best feeling in the world! Cherish these moments for sure!
AFM - CD 5. Starting round #2 of clomid, 100mg this time for CD 5-9. I'm also charting BBT, cervical fluids, OPK (might as well since I still have them) cervical feel and position and also got a CBEFM that should be here today. I know it says use first morning urine so I saved mine in the fridge. Hope husband doesn't ever confuse it for apple juice!! I hope my monitor arrives soon since I ordered it for overnight delivery. I'm just hoping it's a good month.. since husband goes out on the submarine every few months we only have probably until September to try and conceive. It makes it a challenge!! I'm hoping since my last two periods came on it's own and a good day (first was 29 day cycle, second 31 day cycle) that maybe my body is finally getting to the point it's ready! Here's to hoping.
Sorry if I missed mentioning anyone! You gals are hard to keep up with.
Hey all,
I've been MIA, went to Atlanta for a while, but I tried to be updated.
Schar - Congratulations!!!! Wow that is awesome! After all those positives, U r preggo! Good going! Have a healthy and wonderful 9 months! Sooooo happy for u, u deserve it!
How r our pregnant ladies doing? Esme, Ashley, Jessi, km_hji and the others. I hope allis well and that u r enjoying ur pregnancies. U girls, take care of urselves.
Hope, Shashana, merciano and all the ladies in the 2ww, How r things, I hope u r not too impatient! :) I hope n pray that u get ur BFP this month. Take care and GL!!
AFM, nothing going on, still waiting for AF to show up so I can start a new cycle. I think I am on cd48
Well GL to all and baby dust!!!
THANKS ALL AND BABYDUST TO U! I am praying for my bean to stick not telling hubbies family till I find out the s_x. I am due Feb 5th I will be 4 weeks on Friday. I can't believe I got a bfp so early hope it means twins!
Twins would be GREAT Schar :) I'm so happy you tested again and can now feel more confident in your lines YAHOO!!!! I am wishing you a very happy healthy 9 months dalin' :)
Thank you Krys, Ashley and Esme. So great we are all so close in delivery :) I'm happy about your house Ashley. I know it seems daunting right now, but everything will work itself out soon. Sorry to hear about your FIL though. Parkinson's can be so very hard to deal with for every person involved. KUP on how things are going.
Bam, I hope AF starts for you...that's a LONG time to be stuck in the waiting pool :( I'm sending positive baby dust vibes to you my friend!!
PD is a very touch disease, its very sad to see people with it, i work in neurology dept and 99% of our patient had PD (parkinson's disease)... i wish they can find a cure for it.
So i tested again this am, with clear blue digi, and it said "not pregnant" i am hoping its to early, 11dpo, today i am feeling something like tapping kinda feeling on my right side, maybe its af maybe its bfp... i guess i should wait a couple more days and then test, i got 3 more tests left.
ok this is tmi, but gotta ask, so i just went to the loo and checked my cm, nothing on the liner and inside, its white, creamy and stringy, like stretchy striny, i havent seen this before, has anyone experianced this?
I got it a few days before AF was supossed to come which was wierd because that had never happened before. It was one of my 1st physical signs that I was pregnant. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you *HUGS*
so did af come? or was it bfp??? oh m sooo happy u replied.
awsome! i hope its the same for me! thank u for replying!
HoPe - Thanks for the welcome back. I'm doing much better. I'm currently on cd 13 and I got a positive yesterday and today on the opk test strip. I have been bding away. I'm keeping everything cross for you that you are pg. When are you testing again?
schar - Congratulation!!!!! I'm so happy for you. Have you made your doctor's appointment yet? Keep us posted.
LindaS - Hey girlfriend I replied to the other post and I also emailed you please email me once you get it if that don't work then I will give you mind and you can send me a test off your junk email, you know how your work computer can be sometime they put up all types of blocks. I hope to talk to you soon.
esmeraldausiahon - I'm glad you were thinking about me and I am glad you are pg. You are right you can start feeling baby a little earlier with each pregnancy.
Trying#3 - I totally understand not wanting to test early I use to be the Queen at testing early I just couldn't help it I now don't have any hpt in the house I will not buy them. A friend of mines just sent me a bunch of hpt and I have left them at work so I will not be tempted to test early. Keeping my fingers cross for you and I can't wait to see your results.
KrysTTC - Thank you very much for well wish. How are you doing? Krissy68
11 dpo bfn. I don't know why I do this to myself! I am gonna wait for AF and if she doesnt come saturday I will test. Weird symptoms today though, so bad and weird I almost went home eraly from work..... gotta go but will post later with symptoms.
Ok so the symptoms were: I started having hot flashes, and uti symptoms for like an hour. I did a urine dip on myself and it was clean no nitrates, or blood, completely clean. Ok so for that entire time I was sweating bullets and didn't want to walk cuz I kept having the urge to pee, and a burning sensation. I was also having cramps. The last day or two the cramps and pressure down there have been so bad I have had to lie down. Anyways after the hour was up I stopped sweating and started to feel like normal, completely normal. The back of my shirt was wet and my hair was wet from the sweeting... gross huh? I am so confused as to what these symptoms mean. Any ideas?
No idea sunshineSam maybe you can have a HPT on 15dpo. I am 11dpo and still have pain on the right n left side near my ovary and pms cramps since 5dpo and sore nipple since 5dpo too and around 6 to 7dpo i had cramps bt not pms cramps bt 4 me dat dnt mean anything LOL.
Hope you will bring good news for us next week or by this week-end
Temps dropped down to coverline 97.7 this am, and 12 dpo bfn. I guess this may not be my month ;( oh well...