How Many Clomid Twin Moms Out There
444 Replies
Michelle - congrats!! quest. do you ovulate on your own? what days did you take your clomid?
I was told that my chances of having twins (with no family history) on one round of clomid was about 4%. I conceived TRIPLETS on one month of clomid. One baby pa__sed at about 9-10 weeks. Its sac was too small, although the baby was doing fine otherwise.
I was told I had a better chance to win the lottery than have triplets. It was less than .1% for that to happen!
Jean - oh my goodness...congrats!! I hope I am as lucky as you...what days did you take clomid & what dose? Love to hear from you.
hello! the whole triplet thing was a very emotional time. It was not expected, our son was not even two, and we were so confused. With those odds, who would have thought! My doc said with one dose of clomid, he has rarely seen twins and never saw triplets. I had ZERO symptoms and went for an U/S and was shocked when they were naming Baby A, B, and C!
Anyway, nature took its course and we lost Baby C right before the CVS tests, which we continued to do.
I was on 100 mg from days 5-9. I dont know why my doc started me at that dose. I was taking it for low progesterone, meaning IF I produced eggs, there was not enough progesterone to "kick it out" as my doc said. I am 35, so perhaps that is why the doc thought to give me a larger dose.
Anyway, I am now 31 weeks, almost 32 weeks along with b/g twinies on the way! It still shocks me that I am going to me a mommy to twins AND to three kids 2 and under!
Jean - I know it must be overwhelming..but, god doesn't give us what we can't handle best wishes to you & your family. I am just about to start clomid this mth.
10 weeks pregnant with twins now after one cycle of trying with Clomid! Suprise!
Julie - how awesome how long were you on clomid & what dose & days did you take it. would love to hear about your good news.
Hi, I did 7 (50mg to 200mg) months of Clomid and did not ovulate consistently at all. I changed my doctor who put me on a lower dose of Clomid along with Glucaphage (a medicine for insulin resistance, because a blood test showed I was insulin resistant), and a strict low-carb diet. I concieved after one month. Am 18 wks with twins. My first pregnancy and I'm very excited.
Hi Rarly post - congrats on your 1st pg ..just curious how u r feeling? what do you think your having? I was wondering what days you took the clomid? Did you have any side effects?thx.
Hi Julie - how r u? Jean how r u doing?
I got pregnant with twins the second month on Clomid. We couldn't be more excited! And for the record, nearly everyone I know who has admitted to taking Clomid has had twins.
Lauren, Am feeling good so far. Clomid did not have any side-effects this time. On 200mg I had extreme bouts of depression ~ 1 hour after taking the pill, and sometimes a headache (this is described in the information the pharmacist gives you). I took it on the days recommended by the doctor for 5 days (I forget exactly which days). The doctor then saw me almost 2-3 times a week to do a v____al untrasound and monitor the development of the egg(s). On day 13 I was called in for HcG shots (injection on your bum, to stimulate the release of the egg(s)) and two days after, I was called in for an IUI. 2 more weeks later I found out I was pregnant :-) I would NOT recommend doing any of this unsupervised by a good endocrinologist. My previous doctor was a regular OB-GYN, and didn't diagnose any problems... just embarked on a course of Clomid and it didn't help. He stopped the Clomid after a 6 months course because it is not recommended for long term use. My 2nd doc was a good endocrinologist -- I guess I'm trying to strongly suggest you go to a good specialist. Going to the wrong doctor/getting the wrong treatment is financially and emotionally draining.
Rarelypost - thank u for the info my ob has me going in for blood test to see if the clomid will make me's hoping.
Deb - how far along r u? how exciting I would love to be in your shoes...I'm on day 2 of clomid 50mg ...stats sure don't seem to good for having twins...only the lord knows.
Hi, i wish you all luck! I am now 16 weeks pregnant with twins and we can't wait. I tried for 2 years to get pregnant and finally switched doctors which dignosed me PCOS! After four months of 100mg of clomid bang i was pregnant. My charts were off the wall and we thought that it wasn't working! But then after missing my period i realized that maybe i really was pregnant!
Ashley - how wonderful! send us all your baby r u feeling? how was clomid for you? what days did you take your 100mg
I am on clomid on the first month, i havent had twins, but i am not sure if i will have twins because i am a twin and my partner is a twin and my partners mother is also a twin,