How Many Clomid Twin Moms Out There

444 Replies
lib5 - April 15

I'm on clomid currenty, Was wondering how often you had intercourse during your ovulation period? Also I'm having less mucus than I usually do normaly?


kelsey_ann2020 - April 20

Hi All =D I'm about to start clomid and I'm really hoping for's out on both sides of my family in my generation so i'm wondering if anyone know how much that increases my odds? Also, did anyone experience severe mood swings on it? My hubby is a little worried about this part haha Thanks in advance! =D


SoReady - April 21

Kelsey - Try asking these question in "Clomid Success Stories - April 09". There are a lot of great women in there who would be happy to answer your questions. As you can tell this forum isnt used very often. I will start clomid soon so I cant answer about experience. I have heard that it affects everyone differently. Some people have no affects at all. I hope to see you in the other room.


Heres-hoping - June 3

Hi everyone, I have just read through various post and jioned up for some advice I am a mum of one, my daughter is nearly 5, I suffer from endometriosis and polycystic ovaries. we have been trying for another baby for over a year now, I have recently had a laparoscopy and have now been pescribed clomid 50mg I am due to start taking these in about a week and a half day 2-6 of cycle. I have read about alot of you having twins, did any of you have a history like mine? I know they say its nothing to do with the male side but my dad is an identical twin. As much as we would really all love twins including my daughter I worry about if i would be able to carry twins long enough for them to be heathly. Any advice welcome.


SoReady - June 6

Identical twins is not something that is pa__sed down from a mother or father. Only genetics for fraternal twins can be pa__sed down. Evn that is just a matter of hyperovulation. Clomid has been know to cause women to release more then one egg at a time creating fraternel twins. My OB told me that clomid only gives you about a 6% chance of twins, while other people have said it gives you a 10% chance. I dont know which one is correct. As far as your medical history, I have not idea. Try asking those questions in another thread like Clomid Success Stories. Good LUck!


lisajanelle - June 6

Heres hoping - i had twins in 2003 and delivered them at 23 weeks, they were identical girls and had ttts. one of my little ones was stillborn and my survivor who spent 4 months in the nicu is now an absolutely normal and healthy 6 year old. the road to this point of her being normal and healthy was LONG though. 1.5 lb birth weight, ventilators for 2.5 months, eye surgery, heart condition, coming home on o2, heart and breathing monitors, followups till she turned 5 with developmental specialists, audiologists, ophthomologists, nutritionists, speech therapists, ot, pt, cardiologists... now at 6 she just finished up kindergarten, reads ahead of her grade, skis, doesn't even need gla__ses. BUT she is the EXCEPTION for a baby born that early! i don't know about where you are, but here in utah, "viability" is 24 weeks. according to my perinatologist the closer you are to 30 weeks or if you are hopefully over 30 the chances for the baby to be healthy are so much better. the survival rate is way higher and the babies have fewer if any long term problems. having said all that, though, know that i am seriously considering taking clomid this fall to try for twins again. clomid will increase (even if it is only by a few %) the chance of fraternal twins which although they can be early and have problems during pregnancy are at much lower risk than identical twins. if you do get pregnant with twins on clomid, just make sure your dr monitors you very closely, and of course do the things you would do anyway - eat right, get lots of rest, etc... we do whatever we can to protect our babies and then we have to trust our dr's and most importantly GOD. take care and good luck to you!! :) i hope you get a bfp soon!


sunderwood - July 10

Hi, I am new to this thread but I am starting clomid today and I am on 50mg for days 3 to 8. Is anyone else taking 50mg on these days. The doc was going to start me on day 5 but decided to change it instead. I am really wanting twins. How many of you have conceived twins on 50mg?


Krissy68 - July 10

sunderwood - I will be your buddy I am going to take clomid as well i'm not sure what days yet either 2-6 or 3-7 I am 41. Krissy68


sunderwood - July 14

Krissy68-when will you start clomid? I started on day 3 of cycle. Is has not been so bad but I have had bad hot flashes and a bit of a small headache.


HealthyTwins - July 19

Has anyone had them unprescribed?


SoReady - July 20

Healthy - Are you talking about clomid? Because yes you can buy clomid unprescribed.


Krissy68 - July 20

sunderwood - I started my clomid on cd2. How are you doing? I am on cd11 and I will be using the opk test today. I also received my preseed on Friday and we started bding. What is going on with you? Good Luck to you. HealthyTwins and SoReady - How are both of you doing? SoReady I know you are getting real excited for your shot on Wednesday. Krissy68


Megg33k - July 27

Hi all! I just spent the last... forever... reading through all 25 pages, and I think I finally found a sense of hope. I'm 28 and my DH is 29. We feel like we've been trying for 2.5 years, but I guess I can't honestly say that we have. We started trying 2.5 years ago, and tried for 2 months (both of which we thought were successful). However, AF eventually showed after the BFN's each month. The problem was that she didn't really ever leave after that 2nd month. I mean, I had breaks... sometimes even for a couple of weeks... but I was bleeding randomly for most of 2 years. There is really no "trying" when you bleed all the time. I eventually sought out a doctor and finally found one I liked. She thought I might have PCOS (later determined that I don't) and started me on Metformin. When she decided I didn't have PCOS, her office referred me to an OB/GYN who I HATED! I went back and she referred me to her own OB/GYN. I love her so much! I'm overweight and she started me on PhenChrom. It's a diet drug. I've lost 53lbs since Feb (37 lbs since I started taking it May 13). In May, she gave me Rx for Prometrium to stop my bleeding and start me on a new cycle. I took it and my new cycle started... even better, it stopped after 5 days! I was very excited. I expected another cycle ~28 days later. It didn't come. I waited and eventually thought maybe I had accidentally conceived... which would have been great. I took a test and BFN. A week later, I took another test and faint BFP. I got 3 faint BFP's in 2 days. I had qualitative b/w done - BFN. I had quant_tative b/w done - BFN. Best guess - chemical pg that the hcg had time to filter into my urine but by the time the b/w was done, it was out of my blood. Otherwise, 3 terribly mean tests that were all similarly broken! I don't know which I would prefer. Originally OB had told me that she would put me on Clomid if we didn't conceive by the end of the year. However, after the chem pg or whatever it was, she gave me Provera to start a new cycle and Clomid 50mg to take CD3-7. She also requested I go back on the Metformin 1000mg/day because she thought it might help even though I don't have PCOS. I took the Provera and started 7/13-7/17 and CD1 was 7/20. I started the Clomid on CD3 (7/22) and took my last pill on 7/26 (technically yesterday now). Much to my surprise, I had little to no side effects. I seemed to sleep less hours in a row, but nap more frequently. My b___bs have been a little sore, but not terrible at all. I was exceedingly happy off and on with it... never had the negative moods, just off and on giddy! It was fun! :) And, I got lightheaded a few times, but that could have been either the Clomid or the Metformin. I'm also currently taking a low dose (81mg) aspirin each day, a prenatal vitamin, and I've started the generic of Mucinex. I also still take my PhenChrom, which she said was fine until I have a missed period. I started taking my OPK's on CD5. I know things say that Clomid can give false + OPK's, but I didn't have that experience. They were all pretty well negative as possible until 5:30pm yesterday when I got a moderately faint line. Definitely there, but faint. My plan was to BD every other day until after my O, but I'm starting to think that every day might be better. The logic of "some is better than none" makes SO much sense to me and always has. I'm glad someone's doctor told them that. Mine didn't give me advice since she is well aware that I'm pretty knowledgeable on the infertility front... I worry and read and worry more! LOL Sorry this was so long... but I do that! I will keep everyone updated! I hope this works for everyone. I was worried, but seeing all of the BFP's on here has given me a sense of hope. Btw, we are not necessarily hoping for twins... be it concerns or prophecy, I have had twin related dreams lately... I'm not sure I want to start our family (first child) with 2. I'll take anything healthy, but eek! How is everyone else? ~~**BABY DUST!!!**~~


rshamash - August 5

Hi, I had 2 misscarriages and full term still born last Dec. we decided to start trying again. we were thinking to try taking the clomid since after what We have been through we want to conceive twins, but so far we did not have problem getting pregnant. I wanted to consult with some women who took the clomid, I know that taking clomid for having twins is probably not realistic, and I am not sure if it can harm as well. After having a C-Section and knowing I will have to do it again If I will need to deliver, After the lost of our son which we will love for ever is that ok to dream?


scottlang05 - August 12

I am getting ready for Clomid and IUI anyone have any helpfull advise..


divadivina2u - August 28




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