Hi - I am 22 weeks, have only gained 8 lbs, but measured big today at Dr. I should be 22 cm and now am 27 1/2cm. I was only planning on one U/S and had it at 9 weeks, but now the Dr. ordered another one at 23 weeks - she said they "could have missed twins before" ... but I have also done research on too much fluid and am really nervous. Did anyone have a twin truley MISSED early on?
Hey twins are missed 5% of the time in the 1st tri so theoretically it is possible. Measuring 5cm bigger may be due to excessive fluids, an anterior placenta, a uterus stretched from close or many pg....but it may also be twins. I measured 10cm bigger at 22 weeks. I would go ahead and get another u/s to check for multiples.