It's pretty sad when your only recourse is to repeat yourself...why are you even responding to threads here or anywhere if you have nothing to contribute but idiocy?
Witchy woman, see how she flies.... oooo ooooo witchy woman. . . Love that song.
You didn't know it was a *gulp* PILL?? Maybe you thought it was a voodoo incantation?
Nope, no formula here. Mine are science made so I just have to give them a quart of oil every 6 hours or so. Darn, I really have to remember to recharge their batteries. . .
Actually, I b___stfed my three children exclusively for 14 months. No formula here. My mother b___stfed me for 18 months.
wow b___stfeeding? I'm shocked, but that's great...of course if labor is butch, then b___stfeeding must be as well right? Don't break a nail....
That's awesome!! You go girl!! Gee I guess you are more woman than Shawna! She had it easy!!
| Hmm - November 30 |
Never mind, I guess Shawna had it more difficult since a twin pregnancy and child rearing is sooo much more difficult than anything triplet related.
now this is a contest to see who is "more woman"...does this mean we get weighed now or is it who has the bigger b___sts? LOL
to Shawna:
Um . . . I haven't made any of the butch comments. As to labor, sweetheart, I was in labor for 6 weeks before I gave birth to my children. So you won't get any sympathy about labor from me. And my nails are beautifully manicured, thank you. Toes too.
To Hmm: no, obviously, having triplets gives any woman some kind of God-mom status...please, beginning of last century it was common for women to have 10, 15 or more children...my paternal great grandmother had 12 including three sets of twins...you may not be as elite as you hope to be if you put things into perspective.
Did they have 10, 12, 15 kids AT ONE TIME? Do you know that triplets means we had all three AT ONE TIME?
- Yetanothertripletmom
well, I am surprised that you women with triplets can be goofing off on-line for so long with all those babies to tend to...its been real, but I have to go tend to my own children...ciao
Guess hers aren't sleeping through the night. We should really give her some pointers!!
yes, you had three at one time...grand. Congrats to you for taking fertlity drugs, I know that took a lot. Ciao
My kids have a bedtime, silly. It's almost 10:30 pm in my time zone. Couldn't you think of anything better to say?