I am sorry I cant remember are you going to take your CLomid in July or TTC in july?
I will be taking clomid at the end of June and will be O'ing in July. Then when my OB does the u/s I will decide if we will start TTC. I want to have at least 2 folicles when we start. I have a strong feeling that I will have 3 folicles in the first round when start ttc.
I hope this post is not dieing! Has any one checked out the babymed page? I think I like the trying for a girl better than trying for a boy! For a girl you BD 4-5 days in a row before you "O" then after. For a boy you only BD 12 hours after the "O" pack. no BD 5 days before or 3 days after.
Hey girl, You can count on me to help keep this post alive. It is hard for me to get online right now because I have decided to tour Europe for a couple of weeks while dh is gone. I have had limited access to internet services.
I checked out that website that you posted and it was a little confusing to navigate. I found where it tells you when to bd for gender selection but I didnt find any calculators for clomid. Maybe I need to look again.
So how is everything going? Are you gonna start TTC this next round? That does kinda suck that you are gonna have limited bd but that is the price you pay I guess. I am excited! Trying for a girl is going to be sooo much fun! My dh and I have a very active bd life so this should fit into our normal schem of things.
So I have heard that hot tubs will lower a mans sperm count. If this is true then do you think that if my dh takes a hot bath before we bd it could help me conceive a girl? Male sperm are weaker then the female sperm so a short hot bath should kill off the male sperm first, right? I was just curious what you thought.
I have an appointment with my OB at the end of the month and I am gonna ask her.
I will keep posting as often as I can, and for sure when I get back home mid-May.
I am so jealous! I wish I could go to Europe! In fact I have a jar full of my change that once a month goes to a secret account for me to travel.
i know that site is kinda clustered. I think it is in the ferility section. I will have to check it out. I will be ttc this month or the start of next. Not sure when I will start AF so . I think it just hit me today that this time next month I could be pregnant. I do have some concerns. From diapers to b___st feeding vs. bottle to cribs to houseing! I have to use cloth because my famil is highl allergic to the stuff in them and pads. I have b___st feed all my kids and really believe it is right for me and my kids but 2?? If I bottle the cost of formula and all the bottles. There is so many choices and prices. My dad usually makes a 3-1 crib for all the grandkids but not sure if he can make 2 in time. I will not beable to move until fall so If I am on bed rest it is going to be a problem. But I also know in my heart I can do it and want to. who know maybe I will only have one wonderful baby. I guess i just want to be a mom again regardless of one two or eight!
well I am suppose to start my AF anytime now. i usually start between the 8-14th but with clomid who knows. I did take a PG test 9cheap dollar store) And it was BFN. not shocked. although I am not showing signs of AF( usually bad mood, crampy, b___st sore, and loose BM Sorry!). I am beyond sleepy. Not sure what to make of it. oh well if it is ment to happen it will.
Ok ladies I need some help!I am not sure if I should test.I reas that you should have your AF about 14 days after you "O". I got my + OPK 14 days ago. I dont think I am pregnant because my DH didnt do anything in me. But I have no signs of AF at all. I am usually cranky, crampy, and loose bm. Instead I cant go number 2, my b___st hurt ( but didnt notice a color change) and very tired. I have been going to bed at 8 waking up at 7 and taking a two hour nap and still sleepy!!! What should I do?
I think that you could just be siking yourself out. If he didnt do the deed where he needed to do it; then you are probably not prego. (Sorry) But you may want to take a test anyways because the piece of mind may help bring along AF. I know that when I am thinking about getting prego too much, it stresses my body out and sometimes AF doesnt show up for weeks after it should have.
I am still on vacation but I should be home in about 3 or 4 days. Then I can re4sume our daily chats!
Yah I dont think I am prego. I am not really hoping to be, it would be nice to know why I am so sleep. I really cant get sick. You know how that is being a stay at home mom. I am just sitting on pins and needles for AF so i can start again. I even have my meds filled and waiting for me! To day I even bought matching baby boy out fits that were on clarence. I guess I have already desided I am having twin boys. LOL! Maybe that is why she is not coming.
I also just thought that babymed said you will get AF 14 days after O and OPK predicts 12-36 hours so I may not be late. I will write when I start colimd
I will be starting clomid today. Not looking forwar to the S/E.
Hi. I've been lurking this thread the past few days, and I can't wait to find out what happens with you two(SoReady and Mzwest)! You can count on me living vicariously through you guys, during your journeys for twins. I hope you both get what you want. Even if you don't get twins, you may get the son/daughter you're after. Having a grandmother with two sets of twins is a very positive sign, from what I've been reading SoReady. ;)
Welcome Lois! How did you find this forum? Are you TTC or looking to have twins?
And I am finally home from vacation.
Mzwest how is everything?What dosage are you going to take? Have you asked you dr if they will give you an u/s right before you O? Then you would at least have an idea how many mature eggs you have and then you can get a good idea of when you will O. So is your dh on board yet? Or are you gonna have to use the handcuffs? lol
AFM My dh just got home from a short deployment but I am on CD28 so no chance this month! He leaves again soon but if I have calculated my cycle correctly then I should O about 7 days after he gets back from his next deployment. I have an appointment with my OB on the 27th of this month and she should be giving me my clomid which I will take right before my dh comes home.
Actually I'm 7 months pregnant. :) But I have an extreme case of baby fever, and wish I was having more than one! It might be the pregnancy hormones running overtime. I definitely would love to have twins, which is why I'm enjoying reading about your endeavors. I found this forum by googling "Clomid" and "Twins".
I have an 18month old son and am pregnant with another boy. So if I have twin girls next time I'm pregnant, that would be a dream! I have always wanted a little girl. I'm sure I'll have one one day, as my husband has agreed to have 5 kids and I'm only on number two. ;) Lately I've been pushing for 6 though, and didn't hear much of an argument. I know he'd have as many kids with me as I wanted, so I'm pretty lucky. :)
Hi Lois! You are very lucky to have a husband who wants as many kids as you do. Lately I have been wondering how my 17 month old will be with a new baby. Have you thought about it? How do you think your don will be?
SoReady welcome back! S/E are not as bad this time. I took it at 10 am instead of noon this time and treated my self for the s/e before they started. So far so good.
I did ask my doctor for at least a u/s but he said no. I am thinking about changing doctors after I am prego becuase he just doesnt take the time.
My husband has really surprised me. I have a family calender that has everything on it. From appointments to AF to what meds everyone has taken at what time. It just helps me keep track of who is going where and if I have sick kids when the next med is do. Anyways he say that I put af do by the 11th. When I started on the 12th he said he was upset.He was really hopeing I was pregnant. So I put our BD days for a boy on there. He asked me today about them and just nodded his head. I am taking it as a good sign. There is a slight problem now though. We found out his work is down sizing and he might lose his job today. I am not sure how that will effect our BD. I mean if he loses his job it will be bad but we pay for our own insurance so we will still have it and he will be finnished with school in 10 weeks and he has a sheriffs job already lined up. I dont see a problem but he might.