Alcohol Question Very Scared For Baby
2 Replies
I had been drinking heavily, like every night beer and hard alcohol for the first 2 months of my pregnancy. I had no Idea that I was pregnant. I had and still have no symptoms, not even morning sickness. My last period was July 26th and I am now 11 weeks prego. I am scared to death that my baby is going to have FAS or FAE or even worst mental retardation. My question is basiclly am I at high risk of any of those because I drank so heavily during the first three months? PLEASE get back to me...anyone. I am in tears with fright.
From what I know, you unfortunately are at higher risk for those developmental issues. The first months are crucial for development. But, truth is, no one really knows how much or how little alcohol will cause problems. So, your baby could be just fine. You should really talk to you doctor. On a personal note, I had a friend who didn't know she was pregnant until five months and drank heavily on a trip overseas during the first trimester. Her son is now five and completey healthy and very smart. Like I said, no one knows how much alcohol will do damage. Talk to your doctor. Good luck
What ever you do, do not look up things on the internet. This will cause you so much stress and stress is also not good for your baby. I think I can support and encourage you. If you like, send me an email. zinniaskye at