I'm trying to determine if I'm pregnant or not..... If I am, I conceived three weeks ago.
I'm completely EXHAUSTED much of the time, moody, have recent chin acne, etc, etc... but my biggest (no pun intended) sign is the swelling of my br___ts. I don't think its noticeable to anyone but me right now, but they're definitely larger, heavier.
I've taken five HPT and they're all negative. My period is due in like 4 days and I started mildly cramping last night and woke up this morning to find I was lightly bleeding brown.
I could see writing off most of my symtpoms as PMS, but not the br___t growth. I know It's a normal sign of PMS for some woman, but never me.
Thoughts? I am worried that I might be pregnant and am now aborting. Maybe I never was pregnant and it was all just power of suggestion?...but that doesn't explain the br___t thing... please help!!
It's very possible what you think is a period is just implantation bleeding. Some women even get "periods" through out their pregnacies. So its very possible your pregnant even if your coming up negative. But your body can also mimick symptoms if you really want to be pregnant. My sister came up negative on those store bought tests when she was beyond a month but the doctor confirmed her pregnancy she also had her "period" for 3 months.
actually, b___st swelling also happens before periods. but if you're convinced you are, take a test once you're late and then every week after that until you get your period or a positive.