Daycare With Two Kids Of My Own

2 Replies
ana and mark miller - March 19

i am presently employed by the school district but i don't make enough money to make it worth sending my 3 year old and 4 mnth old to daycare..should i open my own daycare so i can watch my kids and make monye at the same time?


Tiffany - March 29

If it is just you with no help you can only have 3 more kids depending on the state you live in, which have to be over the age of 2. Also depends on teh going rate if you would make more with longer hours. Good Luck!!!!!


Lucy - April 28

Last year I watched my nephew who was 6 months, as well as my own son who was the same age (and b___stfed), and my older son who was 2 1/2. It was pretty tough because you are definitley a working mom. It's tough to fit laundry, meals, and housecleaning into your day - that stuff has to get done before or after work. But you also are stay-at-home, which can be kind of lonely, especially since you can't go many places where I live with all those kids. If you need the money though, it's a nice way to get to stay with your kids. My sister did it for a few years and she managed. Definitely have to have a schedule.



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