Is This Okay -pg111271664518

2 Replies
amber - April 5

I am kind of going through the same circ_mstances at my job, and I'm p___sed off. I am a preschool teacher, and i cut my hours back to 6 hours. I am there from 12pm to 6pm. It is supposed to be a christian place, yeah whatever. I am now 7 mos preg and now just wanting to sit down here and there since we are usually on our feet with the children all day. I asked if i could sit down outside while we stand a whole hour, and first it was they pulled me into the office saying i need a doctors note to sit...and i can't eat whenever I want..and i only snack when the kids snack, or if i'm really hungry, i've only eaten something when i got real low blood sugar, and i usually asked first..once or twice i didn't and was eating some crackers. I think this is wrong for them to tell me i can't sit down unless on the floor in an activitiy with the children....and i think its wrong i can't eat when i want. I don't even eat alot..just snack alot..I am really big for 7 mos too since i am so short..i always gain alot of weight and get big when i'm pregnant. Also they are making me get on the floor for an hour or more to rub backs at nap time..there are other teachers there to do these things and i don't understand why i can't do other is possible. Other teachers don't rub backs....I also asked if I could not bend so much..because we don't have a janitor so we all share cleaning duties which include cleaning bathrooms, vacc_ming, sweeping and mopping..all at once at night..they kinda cut that back, but still expect me to do it, cuz the other teachers "leave early", or don't finish the job, just alot of unfair stuff....what should i do? I go to the docs tomorrow hoping he can specify my note on sitting and things. it really makes me mad since no one else is pregnant, they are young, and they are capable of doing the job i was doing up till now....I always kept that place clean, did my job good, its just a lil harder now.


P - April 11

Well, get that dr.s note and look for a new job! Good luck.


AA - April 19

I think you should think about your baby's well being before doing these things. Think about it, the fact that you might be endangering your pregnancy by doing all of these tasks, is on you. Not your boss or your co-workers. It's your baby and your health, that should come before anything else.



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