Why Cant I Understand

5 Replies
devin - January 23

i went to the doctor last week very light bleeding and it got darker not alot but the doctor tested my hcg level on friday i was like 4500 or soon saturday i only drop a few numbers and he say its about the same but your probabley going to have a miscarriage but not deffinatly what is that suppose to mean it realy doesn't make any sence give me hope when there isn't any tell me what i should do.


kate - January 24

It does sound like you may well miscarry.If you put your feet up and avoid heavy lifting you might not miscarry.If there is something wrong with the fetus...this is your healthy body aborting it...better now than later.I know it isn't much comfort to you, but it is probably better to miscarry naturally than have to go thru a D&C.All the best to you.


devin - January 27

thank you kate


tara - January 27

Try to rest as much as possible and let nature take it's course here. I went through a m/c in Oct/04 and although it's a devistating experience I think if somthing was wrong with the fetus (which is usually the cause of a m/c) it's probably best that my body detcted this and expelled it. Although you don't have to loose faith yet, nothing is for certian untill it happens. It has been known that hcg levels might go up & down by a few numbers. I'm sure your Dr. was trying to keep you informed of what might happen. Keep resting, and take good care of yur self for the time being and try to stay positive.


devin ` - January 27

if someone can email me this is my 3rd m/c i dont understand d84d143f637@aol.com thank u tara


shauna - January 28

It means that the doctor can't know what will happen. They don't want to give you false hope, nor stress you out. I was in the same situation a while back. You need to know that what ever happens, this life inside you and it's future is something you can not control. You nurture, care, hope, love,...and then surrender its fate. It is difficult. The waiting is horrible,...no one gives you answers you want. Ask for an ultrasound, internal if necessary. If you do miscarry,...I am sorry. I did. I recommend hot water bottles, get comfortable, if you bleed more than 3 pads in an hour you should go to the hospital,...otherwise you can likely do it at home. I am glad I stayed at home. I could moan, cry, huddle on the couch, take a bath,...and feel safe being me and being with my husband. It was humbling to know my body knew what to do better than I. Good luck to you, and don't let anyone make you do anything you don't want to do,.....oh yeah,....turn off the phones so you don't get unsolicited advice. All the best.



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