Kinda Gross Lol

2 Replies
shay - September 3

I am 21 weeks pregnant and around 2-3 months ago i developed some "bump" type things on my va___al area..they dont really bother me, but are uncomfotable and are ugly hehe. They remind me of skin growth type things..I was tested for STD's and am negative on all of them, and my doctor saw them when i had my pap smear and peliv exam and she didnt say anything..they also occassionally itch. I was wondering if anyone knew about this or could help me out some..please.


Tracey - September 3

I also had some strange little "bumps" pop up on my v____al area right around the time I became pregnant. Of course I ran to the doctor thinking I had somehow contracted herpes or warts, but my doctor informed me that they are merely a form of "pox" and it it easiest to describe as a simple skin rash (weird things happen when you're pregnant). I was told there is a cream to clear it up but they normally don't prescribe it to pregnant women and that they usually clear themselves up over time. My bumps look almost like you described yours...small skin growths. Mine don't normally itch though. If your doctors saw them and didn't appear concerned, I would take that as a good sign. Regardless though, if it concernes you, just bring it up during your next pelvic exam and see what she has to say. Hope this makes you feel a little better!


shay - September 3

ooh thank you so much :o) this comforts me lol. I found out i have a yeast infection from the antibiotics im taking and thats where the itching came in..when i talked with my mom about it, she said weird things happened with her during pregnancy too :o) thanks again for your anwser it really help put my mind at ease!



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