Where Should I Work

1 Replies
sagekelli - September 17

i need a new job. i applied at WIC to be a br___t feeding peer counselor (i really hope i get that ) but i can't really afford to wait around on this one job. i make $10 an hour right now but i only work 15hrs a week, so a little less $ would be ok as long as i get at least 20hrs. any ideas or suggestions? any warnings? i thought about starbucks cause i think they start at $9 an hour. anyone work there? hate it? is it ok? also does anyone get DES assistance with childcare? will they help with childcare out of someone's home? how do i apply for it? i really need to pay candace much better but i can barely pay her the $10 a day i do pay her (how weak is that pay? ugh, its aweful) i think i can reapply for food stamps cause kyle lost his job...stupid car accident. i'm freaking out a little. oh and i live in the phoenix area (mesa)


HeatherIsHopeful - December 12

hey sagekelli.. im not sure how old this is but i'm gonna reply anyway... I grew up in mesa, parents still livee there.. but I live in Texas now =/ anyway I worked at starbucks for awhile, its was a nice job... pretty easy, stress free (as a barista) pretty good pay, GREAT benefits and very flexible hours... the b___stfeeding counselor thing sounds pretty sweet too. apply for anything you can food stamps, WIC everything... it will help. good luck hon.



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