All I can say is that I had a baby when I was 17 and my world did not end. I love my children and I am pregnant with number 3. I was mature enough to know what I had to do to make sure my son had what he needed and more. I do not advocate teenage or early 20's preganancy even though I was pregnant. You have to base it on a case by case basis. I did fine and my kids are wonderful. I can't imagine my life without them. Do what is best for you and for the child that you want. If you listened to everybody that had something negative to say would you be where you are right now? Good Luck. I think you may even have one up because you're married. It might make it a little easier.
How long did it take y'all to conceive??? on avg???just so I can get an idea? and how old were you? please, this would help me a lot, I'm 21 and I'm afraid I can't...... but I've only been trying a month, before that, we'd do it all the time, with no protection except not really on a reg basis, as where I could've been ovulating... but my mom said I shoulda already been pregnant and there's something wrong with me.... whats your opinion?
well i dont think that there is anything wrong with that, i'm 19 and me and my fiance bought our house a year ago and are thinking about having a baby, you dont have to listen to anyone else they are not living your life. good luck
I'm 21 and married and 8 weeks pregnant my husband is 28 and we are happily married. I am a mature 21 yr old and i feel if you and your partner feel the time is right then why not??
I am 20, got married 16 months ago, on July 3, 2004 and hopefully we are going to start trying for baby #1 in Jan or Feb. I don't think that there is anything wrong with it, as long as you are financially able and willing.
Well i have been ttc for 7 months and still nothing.We did try on our honeymoon but it did not happen we are having problems getting a baby maybe it will happen soon.
Im 20 and and want to ttc, me and my bf been together two loving years, live together and have talked about it and think its a good idea. Ive been to college got qualifications and skills and cant think of anything better and more amazing then bringing a life into the world and being a mother. Im dreaing the negative comments and dirty looks but i feel im strong enough to let them go over my head. We have great mates that are also parents and all our families are really supportive and loving. i personally think there is never a right time and in my experience through people i have spoken to nobody is ever 100%perpared.
i think there always will be some women who make comments to make out your incapable just by judging you of age but if your relationship is strong and you feel you want to be a mum go for it-i am!
| KE - December 3 |
There are some women who should not have children. They could be 12 or 70 but that would not change the type of person they are. Do not worry about your age, worry about you heart. As a teacher I see children's parents who send them to school without breakfast, bathing (for a week), no clean clothes etc. Age doesn't decide how good of a parent you will be. If you want a child and will be there to provide for their every need and strive to give that child the best life possible then go for it.