I Am 19 And I Really Want To Become A Mother

3 Replies
bandie08 - October 11

Is it normal for someone my age to want to have a baby? I don't even have a boyfriend. I am also only a freshman in college. I am also 8 days away from my period, so could that be causing me to feel like this? Should I see a psychiatrist about this?


Voice of reason - October 13

bandie, please do not take this the wrong way. I believe those feelings are somewhat natural and to be expected. Just try to step back from the situation and ask yourself what you could provide a child at this age/stage of your life compared to what you would be able to give a child in 5-7 years. I firmly believe that a woman should take care of herself and her career (or at least be in a situation where you can provide all the necessities for a child and yourself) before taking it to the next step of becoming pregnant. Also, keep in mind it makes it a LOT easier if you are with a partner and they are there to help and support you and the child. I am not saying there is a particular age that this is best but having the government/family provide the things you need are not fair to anyone. Being pregnant and having an infant is the easy part; the next 18 years is what is challenging. So, until you have had time living life for you it really is not fair to bring a child into it. I would have to recommend volunteering at a hospital or daycare to get your baby fix for now. Please know what I am saying is coming from a good place. I am not saying you would not be a great mom now, but you will have more life experience and be up for the challenge more if you just wait and enjoy your current situation. Be smart-finish College and see where life leads you after that. You are still young and have a long life ahead of you. Make the best of it and know a child is a wonderful miracle and difficult challenge, just don’t rush into anything. Good luck!


sweetiepie1215 - October 21

bandie08: i would say do not do it, even more so because you have no boyfriend, you are to young, i am 20 will be 21 in december and i am exspecting my first baby in may/june. and have a wonderful boyfriend, but i really do not feel like i am ready for this step in life, i am not finished with school and had so much planned to do that i still can do but it will be harder with a baby , so i would wait if i were you, however i dont think you need to seee a psychiatrist just be resonable and where protection.


Quantess - November 2

I guess the proper questions are, and be honest to yourself, #1 what are your motives? #2 why do you want a baby? #3 are you prepared for motherhood? I remember when my older sister was barely 20, and had her first baby.



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