What Should I Do -pg112411420218
3 Replies
I have just taken a pregnancy test which came back negative. Up to this point i did't think i was ready to have children yet but when i saw the negative result i was really disapointed. Since then i have not been able to think of anything else but getting pregnant! I am 21 and have a good job, house and boyfriend etc... so no worries there. My boyfriend is older than me and ready for children whenever i am and i really want to have children but don't want to do it too early and feel like i have missed out on life experiences that are not possible with children. My biological clock has officially started ticking and is really bugging me as the sensible part of me thinks wait for a few more years there is no rush but i feel obsessed at the moment. Is anyone going through or been through a similar thing? If so what have you done?
I went through the exact same thing, Jenni. I was 19 when I met my boyfriend (now husband) and I had a negative test when I was 21. I was disappointed too! I talked to my hubby about it and he said he was all for having kids but to wait a year and see how I feel (he's also older than me). We waited and the feeling didn't go away, so I told him. We ended up talking for about 3 hours about where we wanted to go in life and the next week he proposed to me. I'm 24 now and we'll be TTC this winter. The first thing is having communication. If you're both ready at 21, then you're ready. I can see now that 24 is a better place for me than 21 so I'm glad I waited. It's not that I had any real issues then, it's just that I have more experience now and I'm in a better mindset for a baby. Good luck!
Thanks for your answer. It is good to know that someone else has felt the same. I feel like i am going crazy at the moment and i know i should wait but cant get it out of my mind!