What Do You Think Is The Best Age To Get Pregnant

94 Replies
lesley - June 18

I was 16 when I fell pregnant with my 1st. Wasn't married was still at school and do you know what? I wouldn't change anything at all about the way and time he was brought into thge world. I was 18 when fell pregnant with my 2nd baby and I'm now 21 and carying my 3rd. Windy, what century are you living in? Why wait untill you are married till you have a baby? I have no intention in gettin married. I have been with my partner for almost 6 years. He is the father to all my kids and I don't need some bit of paper to say it is the correct time to start a family.


jimbob - June 19

Fifteen. However, modern society may frown upon this age, in the past, 15 was thought to be amongst the best of childbearing years. The norms have changed due to current day teachings and values. Perhaps the biggest concern is whether or not the relationship between the man and woman will last at such a tender age. Hormones run rampant and it it many time hard to determine if love equals s_x. While no couple at any age can ensure romantic bliss, I'd be willing to estimate that the older the couple the more they would opt to stay together. However if you are certain you've found your soulmate and have support of both his and your familes, then feel free to heed my advice and be sure to proceed with caution. If any of this makes sense, you may e-mail me at spotlite@rconnect.com. Good Luck!


rach - June 20

the best age is 18-27 you are too old over that but its not just the case of being too old your fertility goes down the older you get. i wouldnt plan a family at 30 you never know it might be too late. i am 18 and if i become pregnant it would be wonderful but at the moment i am not too fussed if i was any older and couldnt have children i would punish myself for not trying.


rach - June 20

i have noticed in america women are waiting til their 30's to have children its a proven fact when you hit 30 its harder to conceive. 20's is best i think. dont leave it too late


klm - June 21

I am so tired of people saying that 30 year old's are too old to have babies. If you look at the people making these comments most of them are in their teens and very early 20's. Those who wait a little bit longer to start a family are usually more financially stable, and more mentally prepared to handle caring for an infant.


Geesh - June 22

I think if you are asking this question...you are too young to have a baby!!!!!!!


Nicole - June 23

I think 22 is too young, 25 is perfect and anything 36 or above is too old.


Vanessa - June 23

I think that it depends on how ready you feel to have a baby. Bringing life into this world is the most preicous gift. I am 20 going to be 21 in July and my husband and I a trying to have a baby.


pishi - June 23

20-25 is perfect age for having your first baby (Scientifically speaking). 35 and over is too old to have any babies.


Kia - June 23

Personally I think started a family at 21 is good. Those who say "Live your life first and enjoy it while you can" are obviously not mature enough to have a family if all they think about is "Play" Us pregnant mothers-to-be or currently mothers know the responsibilities to taking care of a child and are 100% ready to take action. I know I am. Also from what I've read, a lot of you out there feel the same way as I do.


Treasure - June 24

I think the perfect ages to conceive are 25-35. Before 25 most women aren't mature enough and miss out on those early twenties where they get to go to school etc. and basically "find themselves". After 35 and trying to conceive for the first time; I have heard from medical professionals , it is difficult and you may have complications as well as a million other issues. To the women who find themselves there you should try anyway, but ideally I think late 20's early 30's.


Joana (21 yrs. old) - June 24

Well...Like many answers I have read so far, I think it all depends on the person, and if the person/coupel feel ready to bring a baby into this world...I got married at 19 (and that was the best decision that I have ever made!, he is my world, my love*) and currently, I am 21...Now..I love kids to death, and I am sooo anxious to start a family with my hubby...Who is 22 at the moment....If I would be impulsive, I would have already gotten pregnant...But the reason why I have not done so is cuz he is in the NAVY...Currently, he is deployed..I would never forgive myself for getting pregnant at a time when he would be gone for a long while...He would be crushed not to be able to share into the whole pregnancy...We were thinking of starting when he is due back...Which is sometime at the end of this year...But, if we get pregnant, a year later, he is for sure, leaving again, therefore, he would be present throughout the whole pregnancy, for the birth, but will soon leave rigth after the baby is born, and not be able to enjoy having a newborn around him, and me of course.....So it all depends in the situation ur in...We are not extremely financially stable, but we both do good enough to live comfortably, and provide for a lil blessing from above...I think getting pregnant under 17 is too young (since those are pretty much ur HS yrs, and u need to enjoy some of ur youth with other peers) and I think beyond 35 is not too old, but it would not be something for me....I wanna be able to start thinking of retirement by then! HA HA HA! or at least, have my kids pretty much close to being fully grown up, and pretty much have time to spend with them more like teenagers, than having sleepness nights late at nite, or running around behind a cute toddler...That is my opinion at least...Any age though, whomever it is, is great for them, and God does things for a reason....So as long as the baby is fine and healthy, and the Mom is too, those are the most important key factors! All of ur 30+ yr olds that are pregnant, congrats! And all my love and blessings go out to u, and anyone else who is also pregnant! I envy all of u! In my case, I have to wait for when it is more convenient for both me and my hubby! Take care, God Bless, and all my love/support goes out to u guys! Tons of love, ~~~~Joana~~~~


A - June 29

Below 17 too young 18-19 ok 20-25 if your ready 25-35 great 40+ pushing it


judy - June 29

i think 25 is a great age im 33 having my 3rd i dont feel old but closer to 40 would be the limit thats old


Desi - June 30

17=ty 20=perfect (young enought to case him around!) 45=too old


angel_64 - July 3

over 21 under 35



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