Anyone Pumping Exclusively
5 Replies
I was wondering if anyone had any advice for pumping exclusively. Like how often to pump during the day and at night. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
I am, I only pump 5 times a day and not at night anymore. I pump when I get up at around 7, 12, 4, 8, and then 11. My baby sleeps all night so I dont get up to pump anymore. What about you how often do you pump and have you gotten your af yet?
I usually pump every four hours day and night. I have been pumping for a month and have not gotten my af. So if my baby starts sleeping thru the night I won't have to get up to pump and I will still make enough milk? I have about 85 bags frozen already, but I want to keep storing up so I can quit pumping before a year.
| C - November 9 |
Wow you have 85 bags stored? That's wonderful. I b___stfeed twice and pump 2 x's while at work. I should pump one more time b4 bed but instead I end up using 1 bottle of formula. He'll be 7 months at the end of this month and I may start pumping exclusively when he is 9 months. It's just so much easier to b___stfeed in the a.m. for me. He b___stfeeds in 10 minutes and the pump takes 15-20 plus washing the equipment, etc..
monica, how old is your baby? Have you lost your milk supply at all? How much do you pump at a sitting? Thanks for the advice!
Yeah at least 85 bags. My husband says we should start a dairy farm. The past couple days I have been pumping every three hours in the day and 4-6 hours at night and my supply hasn't gone down any. I just worry that if I slow down on the pumping that my supply will go down and when my son starts to eat more I won't be able to store any extra. He is only a month old right now.