Is it ok to give to your baby br___t milk and formula? My feeding routine, is after i br___tfeed i give him formula( 2 oz) bc i think he is not getting enough, Can someone tell me should i stop the formula or is it ok to give him both. He is only 1 week
At 1 week, you need to exclusively b___stfeed, because you are still establishing your supply. Milk supply is based on demand - the more your baby nurses, the more you make. Yes, you can safely do both, but by supplementing so early, you are sabotaging your milk supply.
Me three!! He is probably getting enough. Does he have lots of poop/pee diapers?? Thats the key.
| mm - December 5 |
I just took a cla__s and they said a babies tummy is no bigger then a medium size marble that early and you shouldn't give them formula at that point because it would be to much. They also said that your milk should come in by day five and your baby will feed a lot at that time to help bring in the milk supply . They other ladies are also right in that if you don't b___st feed enough ,you may noy produce enough milk.
ah...the lovely freebies that hospitals and formula companies give to nursing moms "just in case baby doesn't get enough" all in an effort to sabotage mom's own milk supply....very sad. Kozy - avoid temptation! dump the formula!!!
Kozy, how are things? Are you still supplementing?
Jamie, things are getting better. Now i produce more milk and he is full from what i give him. I stop the formula yesterday. Thank you for your advice.
Great! Glad to know things are looking up!
That's great Kozy! Good for you!
my son is 3 weeks and 2 days. i have been giving both aswell. he will nurse all day if i let him and i also feels he is not getting enough sometimes. i only give 2 to 3 2 oz botles aday and he still nurses like crazy... i also ended up geting a b___st infection that hurt so bad. i think things are getting easier one of my nipples still hurt though. his doctor said it was ok to give both especially if o have a little one that you cant seem to please this can be very tiring for a new mommy. and when ever i give him a botlle he seems to be fullfiled so who knows. im just going with the flow.. anyhow good luck