Embarassing Question About BF And Cramps

3 Replies
Laura - January 10

Hi, My son is 2 weeks old. My milk took 4 days to come in and he was a hungry little guy right from day one, so I started supplementing forumla in the hospital. Now I give him a combo of forumla and expressed milk in a bottle. I've nursed him a bit but my nipples hurt so bad that I prefer to use a pump. Okay, so here's my problem: When I pump (or nurse), I get very painful cramps in my abdomen and lower back. I know that some cramping is normal (from the release of oxytocin) but it's really bad. Not only that, but I get AWFUL spasms in my r___m at the same time. They're very painful and never seem to go away completely--ever since this started I have had problems with BMs because of the pain. Is it possible I'm producing too much oxytocin or something? I really want to stop pumping/nursing completely, even if it is selfish of me, because it's getting hard to live with the pain. But first I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts/advice on this. Thanks.


Misty - January 11

It is just your body going back to normal. My first couple of weeks I had pretty bad cramps and that is your uterus contracting back to normal size. Thats why you are cramping and stick w/ b___st feeding I was crying my first couple of weeks because I couldn't never get my baby to latch on and i stuck with it and i am glad it's so much eaier than messing with bottles and is better for him and me. and you know that if you are going to b___stfeed, don't give your baby a bottle for the first 6 weeks or they will get confused. They suck completely different from the bottle and b___st and that will confuse them if you keep switching, so you bettter make up your mind if you are going to b___stfeed or not. I hope this helps and good luck it will get better I promise...


Georges Mom - January 11

I had really bad cramps also so I took the pain medication my doctor sent home with me from the hospital. They felt like labor pains! Misty is right, it will get better and it is definitely worth sticking with the b___stfeeding


Laura - January 11

Thanks for the responses. I haven't fully decided what to do yet but I'm going to try to stick with BF for a while longer.



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