Letting Dad Give Bottle With Expressed Milk
16 Replies
Jenn.. I tried swiching to a fast flow nipple a few weeks ago so I could go out with my husband for my birthday. I thought it would be the magic solution. I left her with my sister and she tried to get her to take it but she wouldn't even suck. She screamed for over an hour instead. My sister says that now that my daughter is 5 months it is too late and she probably just won't ever take a bottle. I tried a sippy cup the other day and she took a few sips, but I think she was more interested in putting something new in her mouth. At this point I don't know what to do if nobody can even get her to try to suck the faster nipples I got. I feel like I am just going to be stuck with a lot of bottles and nipples for a baby who has made up her mind not to take them. It is frusterating because everyone made the bottle seem so wrong in the beginning and now I can't even give one to her. I work for my husband so I can take her to work with me.... but I wouldn't mind a longer dinner out (without a phone call that she really needs to eat)....