Ortho Evra-pg113822606018
1 Replies
I have been on the birth control patch for a month, I was given it to me by a fill in doctor at my doctors office. I asked if it would have any affect on my milk production and he assured me that it would not. Well I was at the doctors yesturday and asked a different dr why he thought my milk was slowing down, I told him I thought it might be from the evra and he said that's definatly a huge possibility. He gave me a different kind of birth control that contains no estregin (sp?) and said my milk should start coming in much better now. So if you are on b/c of any kind and you find your milk is slowing down maybe ask your dr about a pill with no estregin. Hope this is useful to someone.
I am on the minipill. It progestine only. Will not effect your supply. The only problem is I bleed 2x in one pack which sucks. Especially since I am bf. Thought alot dont get a period but I do THANKS for the info