My daughter is 6 weeks old and she is my third, but the only one I have bf. I am constantly on the go with the other 2 girls, it seems like it is easier to pump and feed her a bottle, can you keep your milk supply by doing this, she is only nursing about 1-2 times a day, the rest are all bottle feedings. I dont want to lose my milk, as it seems that my milk supply is slowing down or she is eating more. Has anyone had any luck with mainly pumping? If so, how ofter did you pump to keep up your milk supply? She seems to eat so much better from a bottle, she falls asleep during nursing, but drinks a good 4 oz from a bottle. Any advice would be great!! Thanks!!
Just pump every 3 hours, like she would nurse. Don't go longer than 4 or 5 hours at night without pumping. You should be fine, as long as you stick to a schedule.
| Kim - November 2 |
I've heard that pumping doesn't stimulate the milk glands like b___stfeeding does. If you were to exclusively pump, you would loose your supply eventually.
There are hundreds of women who pump exclusively. Some of them pump exclusively for 2 or 3 years.
| Kim - November 3 |
Pumping alone will dwindle your milk supply. Your brain needs the response from your baby suckling to produce more milk. This is a medical fact.
Your milk supply is probably regulating at 6 weeks now and that is why it seems to be less. you can go on pumping but try to stick to a schedule to keep the supply and demand. You can also try the nursing tea or the fnugreek to keep your supply. Other tricks for pumping s to ply with the nipple a little bit or let your baby sucka little then you can pump to get more milk out. Good luck.
Then hundreds of women are defying medical "fact"
http://www.kellymom.com/bf/supply/maintainsupply-pump.html (Delete underscores; there should be a hyphen between supply and pump, but that's the only one) This is a good website with info about exclusively pumping.
I had the same problem with my daughter. I went back to work when she was 3 months old. I pumped for her, and she also took better to the bottle. My milk started to decrease, so I saw my Doctor. He told me that my milk would derease more and more if I only pumped. So any time I can get her on the b___st, I do. Seems to be working.
My daughter refused the b___st from the time she was born but i wanted her to get the b___st milk so i pumped. I wasnt able to pump enough for every feed but figured that some was better than none, i did that until she was about 4 months old
I only b___stfeed my son 2-3 times a day and pump the rest of the time. I havn't had any problems with supply. As long as I drink plenty of water and eat well.
| C - November 5 |
I nurse, pump, and supplement with formula. I went back to work at 6 weeks and can only pump twice per day. My milk never decreased but it hasn't increased either so that's when I had to start giving him formula too. From what I've read, you should either pump or nurse every 3 hours (longer when you are sleeping). I also never get up at night and my son will sleep from 8 p.m. till 5 a.m. I'm sure if you get up at night that would help too. I never stressed about supplementing with formula and didn't care if my milk supply increased or not. I'm just happy that I still get the b___st milk that I do and that has not decreased.