Stopping Breast Feeding-pg38

3 Replies
Ronnie - September 8

My baby can no longer drink my br___t milk. What is the best way to alleviate engorgement and reduce the milk supply? How long will it take for the milk supply to go away? The pain is quite extreme for me.


H - September 8

Hi Ronnie, Why doesn't your baby drink anymore out of curiosity? Although it's painful right now, if you just stop b___stfeeding, it'll eventually go down. While your b___sts will hurt because you're not feeding (maybe nature's way of keeping b___stfeeding strong and alive?), if you do feed, you'll just prolong that pain.


knn - September 22

you have to completely let the milk dry up. Wrap them tight with an ace bandage and take some tylenol. Can take up to two weeks


Richard - October 28

use cold dry compresses after releasing a little milk if there is pressure. If engorged use icepacks until pain is numbed. In China there is a herb that is not harmful to use and drys up the b___sts, see if you can find some from an herbalist, they will know about it. God provided many easy and natural ways to relieve and stop the flow. Dry Cold compress using cabbage leaves from the refridgerator helps. Hot stimulates the flow and will help start the draining. Do not wrap the b___sts tightly this may cause many problems later .Get into a rythm of cold compressing after feeding and the milk will eventually get less and less. Make sure your warm and not overly cold when doing these therapies.



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