Breastfeeding And Discharge
7 Replies
| Jen - August 31 |
ok this is a weird question, my son is 4 months old and he is eating solids 2 times a day. I have been having a lot of clear vag discharge but only for the last coulpe of weeks. I thought I was pregnant but I took a test and it said neg??? Has this happened to anyone else?
I am having almost the exact same thing- I have a 5 month old, eating solids 2 times a day, watery, clear to light yellow discharge (soaks 3 panty liners per day). What is this?? Have you found any answers?
This has been recently happening to me. I also thought i was pregnant but my test was also neg. Have either of you found out what it is?
The same thing is happening to me, my son is 4 months and started solids 2 weeks ago
The same thing is happening to me, my son is 4 months and started solids 2 weeks ago, also had some cramping and brownish discharge a few days ago. Anyone find an answer yet?
Same problem my son is 4 months and I have also had alot of clear discharge that started recently and a negative pregnancy test. Please post when you all find out what it is!
Sounds like bacterial vaginosis. See your Doctor. Go to
it could also be your cycle returning. either way, i'd ask the doctor.