Breastfeeding Whilst Pregnant
5 Replies
| me - December 5 |
Is it oke? I am exclusively br___tfeeding my 5 mth old, and afraid that I might be pregnant
Yes, I know that it's okay. You can actually b___stfeed both once baby is born. I'm not sure on the details though. Check out and you can find out all about your situation!
I've heard that your milk dries up during pregnancy; I'm interested in this too, as I'm exclusively bfing my 4 month old, and might be pregnant again.
Some time during your pg you might get the feeling that your milk is drying up but it is not. I have had two kids two years apart bf during pg and fed the both after second was born. My second son still nurses and I am due in March it can be done all you have to do is perserverethought the trying bfing times. As for the second nursing I don't remember being sore or engourged at all my b___bs were broken in and still are. As for firdt milk for baby that comes naturally to. Happy bf'ing.
It is okay. Just make sure you eat lots of healthy foods and take a prenatal.
my daughter was still nursing okay when i got pregnant again, but when i was about 6 months along she started seeming less interested - milk tasted funny, perhaps? - i did feel like i was empty though. perhaps not. at any rate, i was able to continue for quite some time while pregnant.