Can You Drink Alcohol While Bfing
11 Replies
can you drink when you br___tfeed if so how long do you have to wait in between etc.......
new research indicates that fetal alcohol syndrom can result post partum due to drinking and nursing, the real question is would you have taken that risk while you were pregnant, I guess it is somewhat a personal decession, but I certainly do not feel that the payoff from having a few drinks while nursing is worth the potential risk!
| NEO - August 26 |
actually if you wait until the alcohol is out of your system-and really keep track, or just pump extra before you b___stfeed there is no reason why you cant enjoy a few drinks, alcohol does not stay in your system that long. Dont let people's personal "decessions" make you feel bad for wondering-we are all only human!!
Just to be safe, I would pump 24 hours worth of b___stmilk for a night out drinking.. Now if you're talking just having a beer or a gla__s of wine, figure for every drink you have:12 oz. beer, 2 oz. liquor, 4 oz. wine, then 2 hours for it to exit your system. Of course you can speed it up by alternating a gla__s of wine with a gla__s of water, that sort of thing.
Thanks, i really appreciate your info!!
If I'm going to have a beer or a gla__s of wine, I have while nursing or right after, giving it time to get through my system before the next feeding. I have not had more than one drink in a sitting. When I'm up for the post-pregnancy bender (which will probably consist of a BIG TWO drinks before I pa__s out-LOL), I'll use pumped milk or formula and pump and dump.
I've been told that one small gla__s of wine or a small beer is totally fine while you're feeding as such a tiny tiny amount of alcohol pa__ses through into your milk. My health visitor actually said that a small red wine or guiness is good for you!!!!! I've had the occasional one and it doesn't seem to have any ill effects on my son. Like Alison said though it is down to personal choice, I know some people prefer not to drink at all. If you think about it, baby gripe water for colic used to have alcohol as a main ingrediant!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a great b___stfeeding book by the AAP that says a cup of coffee or a drink is o.k. Sometimes having a drink can help you relax and actually help stimulate the let-down reflex too. As with all things, moderation is the key. As long as you are drinking at a slow enough pace, your liver metabolizes the alcohol before it enters the bloodstream enough to get into your b___stmilk.
| C - September 13 |
how long would it take to pump 24 hrs worth of b___st milk?
I found this chart about how long it takes for alcohol to make it's way out of your b___stmilk: Also, found that pumping and dunping is not necessary since alcohol leaves b___stmilk at the same rate it leaves your blood. Just wait until it has worked its way out (chart) before nursing if you want to be really safe. I was surprised how long it takes to work its way out, though!
Take out - before "Jan" and at the end.