update - she was soooo ill from the vaccines. her leg swelled up (she has two shots in one leg, then another two shots in the other), she screamed and screamed, constantly pa__sing gas (i mean - extreme pressured gas i have never heard before), was spitting up and had diarrhea. it lasted more than 24 hours and my doctor and the hosp insisted it was all normal. i'll tell you what - try to pull this c___p with an adult who gets ill from vaccines and suddenly docs will react quicker. as an adult - i have NEVER had so many vaccines in one sitting. doing this to a small baby is crazy in my opinion. no wonder why she got so sick. i thought i was going to lose it when she cried, it was so sad. and according to the nvic.org, i had every right to say no to those vaccines. if i claimed religious reasons or just NO, i had that right. she just ignored my signed statement stating no to the vaccines. a written, and signed statement handed to her. when my kid came back with my mother and i saw the bandaids i freaked.
NOW you have damages! Now you can call an attorney, since the baby did get sick from the vaccines. At the very least, you can get that doctor reprimanded, possibly even get his/her license to practice medicine revoked. I'm sooo sorry this has happened to your little one. Mine goes in for vaccines today...I'm more than a little nervous.
| JB - October 11 |
Hey Anne, don't give her honey, babies can't break it down and there is some sort of bacteria that can form in their mouth. I've heard of the good ole' Karo syrup though. I had to use that on both of my kids when they were constipated, but it was something of 1 tsp to 4 oz of water. I would call up that jacka__s of a doc and let them have it. You have every right to be p__sed.
Okay, I just got home from her 2 month appt; she was 8 lbs 1 oz at birth, and is now 11 lbs 11 oz...she'll be 9 weeks tomorrow. So, I think your 12 lb baby is right on track!
JB thanks, I wouldn't give my baby honey or karo syrup - they both can cause botulism spores. Jamie - good going!! baby sounds really healthy awww :) Did your baby get vaccinated? I reported the side effects online at www.nvic.org. if your baby has any reaction, i strongly suggest that you report it. I hear it's the law.
yep, she got shots...she screamed during, but I immediately nursed her so she calmed down right away; she was out of it the rest of the night, all gla__sy-eyed and making this high-pitched whine, but she finally fell asleep at midnight, woke up at 5 hungry, and has been normal all day today.
that high pitched cry is from the vaccines. mine did it too. been chatting to other women about vaccines, same thing--all of the babies screamed and got ill. speaking of ill, my girl has her first cold, and i have it too now. got it at the doc's.. nice? :)
So sorry...but isn't it ironic that doctors will refuse you as a patient if you're not vaccinated, but you catch all those colds and c___p in their offices? I think the shots tramautized my daughter...she wakes up all freaked out and screams if you touch her legs, but I don't think it hurts her anymore...just scares her.