Help A First Time Mom Please
2 Replies
My first baby is due in October and I plan on br___tfeeding exclusively for 6 months to a year. However, when the baby is 3 months old, I will be going back to work, only for about a month. I work an hour from home and my job is not one that I will be able to pump often. Does anyone have any advice as to what I can do to store my milk or when I should pump? I do not want to give the baby any formula during this month, but seeing as how I am completely new to this, I don't even know if this is feasible. Any advice is helpful... I just need to get through that month..and if there is no way, it looks like I won't be going back to work at all. Thank you.
I typed "b___stfeeding and working" into google and came up with numerous articles. Try it. Some helpful websites are,, la leche league. Good luck.
many states have pa__sed laws that give you rights to pumping breaks trhoughout the day. la leche league has all the laws in their website. as for storage, b___stmilk is fine staying at room temperature for up to 8 hours. if you're only going to be nursing for a month you can get a good freezer stash going before then. pumping after feedings works well, just don't pump untill you are empty. expressing an ounce or two after a feeding should do the trick.