Loosing Wieght Amp Breastfeeding
16 Replies
Will br___tfeding help you to loose the wieght faster? Or does it really matter either way.
My doctors have told me that it does; esp. if you b___st feed immediately after delivery, it causes your uterus to contract. But, I'll let you know in a few months if it works for me! ;-)
I Gave birth to my son 8 weeks ago. I have lost over half of my pregnancy weight. I b___stfeed him.
| C - July 25 |
My son is 3 months and I b___st feed 75 %. I lost 30 pounds in like 2-3 weeks but now I'm struggling to lose the rest. I don't eat the best and haven't exercised.
I have b___stfed both my babies past the 9mo mark. Let me tell you you do need to eat healthy and watch your calorie intake,it's about an extra 200 calories you need. YOu should burn about 800 calories/day. With each pregnancy I have gone down in size, I am now pregnant with my 3rd child and my pregnancy wardrobe is size small, which with my firstborn it was med/large. There are so many benefits both for mom and baby. Check out info at la leche league website. good luck.
| C - July 26 |
I eat enough, just not always the best choices. That's probably why I haven't lost any more weight. I'd love for someone to give me an example of what I should eat in a day. I hate counting calories.
Yes you can most most definitly loose weight while b___stfeeding, i gained over 50 lbs w./ my preg and I lost it all and more within 6-8 mo, i also exercised. But I am a true believer that brestfeeding helped in a big way of losing weight, after I lost the most of my weight, i noticed i would loose 4-5 lbs at the end of every month no matter what, it would just fall off, I am now preg w/ #3 and I am littler than I have ever been, and b___stfeeding also has soo many other benefits. good-luck and give it a hard try.
| kc - July 31 |
It definately does! The reason is: While pg you body naturally stores extra fat for nursing the baby. If you do not nurse this extra "reserve" will be harder to loose through exercise and dieting. Also, nursing releases a hormone which causes your uterus to contract while you are nursing. This makes your tummy to go back to its origional position more quickly. I nursed and within three weeks I was back in my old jeans. After 4 months I was under my pre-pregnancy weight. Please don't only nurse just to loose weight. The mother child bonding is more important. And make sure you take your prenat. supplement, eat healthy and drink plenty of fluids so your baby gets what he/she needs.
In my experience, I was never able to lose weight while nursing. I found that trying to diet always decreased my milk supply. Even dieting for slow weight loss never worked. I'm not one of those lucky moms.
The only time I had trouble was around the 4 month mark. For some reason for a couple months my body seemed to want to store fat, no matter what I did to stop it. I gained about 15 pounds and then when my daughter started on solid foods I was able to lose it all again without an extraordinary amount of effort.
I b___stfeed my son and have lost all but a few pounds (about 3lbs.). I gave birth 3 months ago.
I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy (54lbs!). I had lost half of that at my 6 week check up and now at 11 weeks post-partum I still have 17lbs left to lose. I have not been excersizing just taking the baby for walks when it is cool enough - which isn't often since I am in Florida. Hopefully b___stfeeding is helping and I continue to lose. My goal was to be back to my normal size by mid September...might have to extend the deadline... lol. Someone told me that the longer you b___stfeed the more you will begin to lose per month because your milk becomes higher in fat to satisfy baby. Anyone know if this is true?
| KH - August 19 |
I'm b/f'ding and I've lost 30 of 50 lbs already and I'm 4 weeks post partum. I've heard that you should try to eat low fat b/c your milk will use the fat stores in your body if it doesn't get it from your diet, so that's a definite plus. I plan on eating low fat for breakfast and lunch and then eating a regular dinner. Mostly for breakfast , I yogurt and a piece of fruit. I usually have a snack later in the morning. I'll have to figure out a lower fat lunch, as I've mostly been eating what I make for my toddler.
I'm bfing - I gained 75 pounds during pregnancy; 4 days after my C-section, I had lost 20. 2 weeks after my C-section, I've lost another 11, for a total of 31 lbs in 2 weeks. We'll see where I am at 6 weeks...
| tia - August 23 |
answer to C. i have a 3 month old and had the worst chocolate craving after having her. but after 3 weeks of having her i started eating healthy. and i have lost 17 pounds. ill tell you if you cut out the junk food you dont kneed to know how many calories you take in. i can eat all day long and still not eat 200 calories. ex of what i eat all day. Quick oats with skim milk and splenda or raisens. Grapefruit, yougurt 0.1%fat. and that is just my mornings. lunch i will eat anything from soup and tuna salad sandwich using light mayo. to chicken grill cheese using wheat bread. then i eat a popsickel or some sort of icecream in a tub. i limit myself to something on a stick or something in an individual tub because if not ill eat to much. then i have something like enchaladas with light sour cream or potatoes carrots parsnips and a fish stake in batter. the more veg you eat the more full you will be at every meal. you should visit www.fitday.com it counts your calories for you and once you learn what foods you can eat and wich ones you cant then its easy.
| tia - August 23 |
my mistake the 200 is suppose to be 2000
How soon after a c-section can you begin to exercise again. I work out 6 x's per week --I have modified my workouts for my pregnancy, but have never stopped going to the gym. Now I'm afraid that it will be difficult to start after a long break and a planned c-section.