Marijuana And Breastfeeding
280 Replies
there have been no conclusive studies to note the effects on the baby from these commonly prescribed medicines. Yet, most moms will take them without blinking because "doctor said so", then 20 years down the line, how convenient, it is recalled and found to be harmful. Weed has never had a casuality die from it alone in it's several thousand years of use as a drug. But...the major drug companies have a track record, and they know how to cover up their poop like little cats, so unless you dig around, you will not be sold anything but lies. Wake up people.
I think you should have a couple of tokes a night if it keeps you sane. when i got pregnant i smoked cigg. and pot. i had told my doctor he said cut down on cigg. and dont smoke pot because it is illegal. he did say that it it could give you the same effect as ciggarettes. he said it was not 100% percent but the baby could be premature low birth weight and your baby could be born with low iq. i would asume that smoking pot is the same as smoking ciggarettes when you are b___stfeeding.I also no it's very stressfull to be a first time mom and when the day of you trying to feed you baby , change your baby and give your baby attention sometimes at night when the baby is sleeping you want that little time to do what ever relaxes you whether it's having a gla__s of wine or smoking a joint with your husband. as long as when your baby is around you give that baby as much love and attention you can.
I have recently resumed smoking pot although I have not quite been able to fully wean my 17 month old son off of my b___st. I will smoke early in the morning because my son usually wants the b___st when it's time for bed, so it gives my body over ten hours to metabolize the herb before my son's nighttime feed. Now you could consider me incompetent but nothing could be futher from the truth. The truth is I stopped smoking herb six months before I got pregnant. Thru out my pregnancy and for 14 months of nursing, I abstained from herb & alcohol and eat only organic food. My son only eats organic. We also opted out of the vaccines because they are so toxic. But now that I have started smoking again, I am really enjoying it. I feel like it's my reward for the pa__sed two years of my body being a vessel for my son. I wish I could say that he wasn't still nursing but, I think he is OK. He is energetic, alert and extremely bright. Cannibis does not impair in any way my ability to care for my son. I am even more attentive to him under it's influence because I am less preoccupied with lifes complications and more in the moment. Alcohol is much more detrimental to parenting and I think it is truly hippocritical for society to ok lactating moms can enjoy wine but herb is criminal. Herb is natural and I hope that society wisens up.
I personally know 4 women who have all smoked mj during their pregnancy and b___st feeding. In each case, the babies were all born above 8 lbs and show no signs of any mental of physical defects. They are now between the ages of 8 and 2. Even beyond that, all of the children are far more advandced then their counterparts. They walk and talk earlier, are more reserved and show no signs of add/adhd. The Federal or state government does not have any clear or un-bia__sed information regarding this subject. I have seen the scientific research first hand! The babies have NO defects what so ever. So, to all the people preaching how bad the use of mj is, you are the ignorant ones. If you want to post your opinion, please, back it up with either scientific or personal research. Which I have not seen on any of the responses. Please do not judge others on the myths you might have about mj. I bet in most cases none of you have ever used mj enough to know the real effects of it.
| jh - August 31 |
I have a friend who is married with 6 children and we all went to church together for over 10 years. We were all very active in the church. I left the church very dissillusioned and went somewhere else. These people were my best friends. A few years later they left that church and the husband had broke his back jumping in a pond he dug on his property. He did have surgery and they put him on all kinds of pain killers because the surgery did not work. After several months on oxycontin he complained to his doctor that he was not normal at all. Feeling very angry, and whatever all the effects oxycontin has on you. He is now a diehard against drugs like oxycontin but his doctor prescribed for him to use medicial mj. The Sherrifs department knew and everything but it was really wierd for me to get used to this. A few years later I did try it and I never get wasted. Its calming. I would rather do that then drink alcohol which can make you impaired and is known to cause major problems if used during pregnancy. I have searched and searched for major problems caused by mj. I cannot find any. There was a websit that I found that said it did do studies on 68 babies. 1/2 of the babies mothers did mj, the others didnt. They did not find any major differences. I work with a lady who said she did mj while nursing. Her daughters come in to our office to this day and they are lovely women who are responsible mothers and wives. All I can see wrong with it is that it's illegal. My friend who's husband got a prescription for it, grew it organic. She said she felt like she got her husband back when he started using mj and quit the oxycontin. It becomes confusing and you become less judgemental when your dealing with someone you love who does have chronic pain and uses. Recreational use is the same. I say we get rid of half of the OTC Prescriptions or regular prescriptions like Fen-Fen or Viagra, I am sure there are many more, that have common side affects including death. I havent heard of anyone dying from taking mj. I dont believe in supporting the drug dealers of our world but there is and will always be mj. Who remembers when alcohol was in prohibition. Why is tobacco legal? Come on. I have had my midwife tell me I could use mj for nausea. I did not do mj during my pregnancy, though tempting, I have a reputable job and our organization has random drug testing. I have since and I do nurse my baby, but I pump too. I do love my children and there would not be any reason to live if they were taken from me, which I highly doubt they would be. Terrible parents who are homeless and or meth users cant even get their children taken from them or it takes an act of congress to do it. Does anyone even know of someone who's children were taken because of mj use?
Some people on this forum are so obviuosly against marijuana use, not only while pregnant and even believe that dying cancer patients shouldn't have the chance to enjoy their final moments on earth (medicinal marijuana) shows what type of person you are. You people conform to what you beilieve is "proper behaviour" in our society without any questions. How sad. I'm not saying that I'm for or against marijuana use while pregnant or b___stfeeding, but you are taking it way too far and this is a personal deicision every mother should make for herself. I'm sure that you drink and/or smoke cigarettes. I've personally never seen or heard of anyone OD or have to have their stomach pumped due to mj. Alcohol and tobacco are much worse drugs and the only reason they are legal is so the government can control and tax and make money off us. I don't see people getting killed in driving collissions due to marijuana use. You become slower, more aware (drive under the speed limit) and don't kill people. Also, you don't black out, cause fights and get arrested due to your behaviour from marijuana use. Don't you think alcohol should be illegal too? And how about cigarettes? No, right? Why? Because society says it's okay?
I guess ignorance is bliss to all you judgemental losers.
I've read that it can taint the taste of the b___stmilk, and that THC is in the milk so your baby is obsorbing the chemicals and may or may not even experience the effects as well. I know from experience that when my sister was b___st feeding her daughter and decided that she should quit that she had a really hard time w/ the baby. She wouldn't sleep, was very cranky, and cried alot she felt terrible b/c her baby was going threw withdrawals and she smoked just as much if not less than you are, a few hits every day or every other day. Personally I don't think I could take the chance but really there is no solid proof to prove definate harm. In my opinion kids these days are already at such a disadvantage in life why even risk doing anything to make it worse. But opinions are like (*) everybody has one so who am I to say anything.
| jh - September 1 |
I work with a couple of girls who are on WIC, which is what I think you are talking about, they are hardworking young woman who nurse their babies. WIC does not issue formula for nursing mothers. If you nurse you nurse and there is no need for formula. I guess you know people who lie about nursing, that goes along with the very serious drug users or the very poor. I have never even heard of people doing that, not that it cant happen but the point is most mj users wouldnt go to that much trouble to get it. That is for heroin, cocaine, and meth users. These are very different from mj users. You would not know who is a mj user in your office. I drive a Nissan Armada, have a nice home, nice kept up yard,pay all of my bills, pay my taxes. I dont stumble around work feigning for mj. And when I do it it's usually toward the evening when things are settling down and we are putting the children to bed. When I drink or have a few too many, which is like 1 time every 3 years, I hate how I feel, I act stupid, of course at the time its fun but I would much rather do the mj and have it change my mood to very low key than to drink and risk acting stupid. I think there is a balance in whatever you do. Doing mj all day every day is overkill. Just like doing anything all day every day is overkill and could be harmful. Watching tv all day, eating all day, drinking coffee all day, sitting on your a__s all day. I have a Masters degree and so does my husband. We are not lazy, lying, cheating drug abusers. Mj is hard to abuse. Life and loving my children are very important. The minute I see someone not being able to make ends meet because they have to have mj, I am concerned. Although I havent. I had a friend who worked at a promiant medical center here and was laid off. She did mj probably every other night or less and knew all kinds of people, including doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses, etc who all did mj. She was laid off and she quit using until she was fully employed again and could afford to spare the money. There are responsible choices you can make in everything you do. Is it responsibel to do mj if it is illegal? My question is if you are going to live by the law are you? Do you do anything illegal? Alcohol, can be illegal if you use it and drive or you are underage. Do you? Lying on your taxes is illegal. Do you? It is against the law to make a left hand turn at some intersections. Do you do it anyway to because its more convenient to? Each person has to answer for themselves and you all know who you really are inside. You know if you are a law abiding citizen with perfect morals of course we know that no-one is perfect and we all screw up on many different laws we have. Speeding is one of the main ones. Is it as serious? Damn right it is, people die every year because of others who have broken the law by speeding. No-one has died from doing mj. People live by laws, moral or not. Some people think that the moral law is higher and should take presidence over the nations laws. I make the choice to do mj every once in awhile, I still believe I should obey other laws but I do realize that we are cultured and raised in our society to believe that mj is like all other drugs that are illegal but the FDA keeps disproving that by making very harmful prescriptions legal. Do I think I have a some dysfunction that I believe is a breakdown of why I use mj. Sure, sometimes I am stressed out, tired and cranky, everybody comes from some sort of disfunction that they are dealing with. Mj helps you relax. Anyone who sees things black and white and has no way to have empathy has not had enough trials in their life. It is easy to sit back and be judgemental at times, I have done it. Its not worth the time.
Well if your not willing to make sacrfices you shoulnt be selfish and make your baby have that in there systom bottle feed if your gunna smoke that!!!#
Who is watching your kids when your doped up typing garbage? All I have been reading is the rambling on of doped up addicts, trying to convince themselves what they are doing is okay. When in the back of their heads they know it's not. If you seriously thought you were not doing anything wrong then you would not be so quick to defend yourselves. Those who are on the defensive usually have something to hide. A little will not hurt your baby, however, if you need it on a daily basis, then you are doing more than you are letting on. You're not fooling anyone but yourselves. If you need to be put on medication or be on drugs to take care of your kids maybe you should have been more carefull when making the decision to be a parent? Yes parent hood is stessfull, but I have never taken anything to releive the stress of my 5 kids. Under the age of 6. trip. 5yr. olds, 3 yr old and a 7 month old. I practice yoga. If you need to do this everyday. You have a problem period, and need medical attention. I just hope you are smoking outside your home so your kids are not breathing in the stuff. Get a grip. The more you ramble on the more you look guilty. As for it being "natural" so is poison Ivy but I wouldn't smoke it. Natural does not make it harmless. A little on special occasions will probably not hurt, but the fact you "need" it to properly take care of your kids does bother me. As for the silly survey, I'm sure there are those who are tying to cheat the system, there always are, but they will not admit to it on here.
I just was reading some of these messages and some of them are sooo ridiculous! I think there is nothing wrong with not smoking MJ, but the ones who criticize are obviously not informed AT ALL. I smoke a little weed daily, as does my husband. (no, not pregnant). I have to laugh at these posts of the visions of us so high and "doped up" our kids are playing in the street, not being fed, we are unemployed junkies who steal and rob for our next fix! Please!!!! My husb has worked at the same place for 12 years, and myself for 5, and neither one of us has ever missed a day of work (except maternity leave). We both also have college degrees. It takes less time to for me to smoke MJ than to for some to smoke a cigarette! And i dont think it is any different than having a few beers after work, just another--and safer-- way to unwind after a long day. People tend to put pot in the same category as crack, cocaine, heroine, etc.. It is not a mind-altering drug, simply a stress reducer. Just my two-cents.
I also have the same problem with parents who smoke or drink. IT IS MIND ALTERING. WHY DO YOU GET ARRESTED FOR DUI WHILE ON POT? If it didn't impair your judgement you would only be cited for illegal drug use not DUI. Get a grip and take care of your kids.
uh, no its not and no you don't. what country are you in that you get DUI for mj? a police officer pulling someone over for DUI suspicion would have no indication that a person has smoked mj recently. one cannot recieve a DUI based on smelling like weed, sorry. as bad as the US is about violating peoples rights we have not yet gotten to nazi tactics. get a life.
you can get pulled over for dui - driving under the influence - of drugs or alcohol. if you look like you've been doing something and are unable to drive well, you will get arrested. and yes, the smell of weed is present if you smoked it recently, its unmistakeable. and to the original poster - any smoke on your clothes, breath, in the air - have a negative effect on a baby's respiration. that is a fact. so maybe ignore if its pott or if it's a cigarette and just view it as smoke. and also - nicotine show up in your b___stmilk if you smoke cigarettes, and pott is present in it as well. this isn't rocket science
You people are sick that agree that it is O.K. to do these drugs and pa__s it on to your kids. I may know nothing about b___stfeeding but, I do know it is illegal and who is taking care of your children after you do these drugs? Aren't you high? Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Apparently, Pot is mind altering. A normal mind with common sense tells you that anything you put in you system that alters your mood (changing you from the everyday stress of being a mom to a person who cares about nothing but herself), makes you feel light headed, causes slurred speach and delayed reactions. Items such as pot, alcohol, cigaretts, prescription drugs and certain oct meds are killing your brain cells (altering your mind). You are a perfect example how this drug affects brain cells. You are convinced getting high on a daily basis is okay. To the majority of the poulation this is not the normal. Your brain is fried.