No Breastmilk Please Help
9 Replies
i had my baby 6 days back...and the br___tmilk supply hasnt kicked in yet....i want to br___tfeed my baby...please there something i can do to start the br___tmilk production.
thanks in advance
when my child was in the nicu, I pumped and my milk started coming more and more.
Nurse like there's no tomorrow. Keep that baby glued to your b___st. Seriously - the nipple stimulation will cause the lactation. Also, make sure you're drinking LOTS of water, and eat plenty of oatmeal. But, most importantly, keep the baby on the b___st; don't give a pacifier, use yourself as a paci instead. Yes, it'll cause comfort nursing later, but it'll stimulate your milk production for now.
| jw - November 1 |
exactly what jamie said - keep the baby at your b___st even if you think he/she isn't getting anything (you can supplement also) because that will trigger your hormones to let down the milk. Also, you DO have some milk in - it's just not the kind you would expect because you do have colostrum, which is SO good for your baby and is also very fatty. Keep feeding and pumping... it'll come!!
my milk did not come in until 10 days after my first was born. i think the longer it took the more stressed out i became and that caused it to slow down. try to stay calm and relaxed (if that is even possible with all the hormones in your body!) The milk will come in but supliment with formula until then so your baby doesn't lose too much weight. I wasn't keen on the whole supliment with formula in the mean time but when my doc told me my son was loosing weight the thought of that was worse than the thought of supliment with son adjusted just fine once my milk came confusion or anything like that. good luck girl!
Don't worry too much about your baby losing weight, all babies lose weight at first. Worry if he/she hasn't regained birth weight by 2 weeks.
| Kim - November 2 |
I had the exact same problem when my son was born. I would cry and worry constantly. I thought I would have to stop b___stfeeding, and that devastated me. My son is now 10 months old, and still b___stfeeding!! Stay positive and feed your baby a lot. My mom also bought me stout beer (really dark beer). I had one a day, and it seemed to help. I hear that they do that a lot in Europe. I'm sure some people will disagree, but it worked for me! And stay relaxed while your feeding. Stress does not help at all!! Good luck!
| C - November 2 |
Are you having trouble with your little one's latching on? I did and by day 5 my milk still didn't come in. I used my pump for 20 minutes and a few hours later it was in.
Hopefully your baby had his first checkup and has gained some weight? If not, his doctor may recommend supplementing with formula. My doctor said I'd need to do that if it didn't come in soon. Luckily it did.
Joanna, I was curious - has your milk come in yet?
make sure ur really hydrated. drink much more fluids than you used to.